Friday, June 26, 2015


Whenever it seems we feel a need to plant something in the yard, we both agree that it needs to blossom at some point, grow back every year of its own accord and/or change colors in the fall. As I stood at the bottom of our hill this afternoon looking up the hill and all the planting that has taken place, this is the realization that hit me.  Claude and I both agree on things that blossom filling our yard.

One summer I took pictures of all the blossoms as they burst forth for their summer experience. They brightened our lives with each flower.  I haven't done that this year but we have enjoyed each blossom nonetheless.

This week I returned home from who knows what thing I was doing. As I drove up the driveway and pulled into the garage, my hubby was sitting on the front porch like a good southern gentleman sipping his soda. I'm sure someone is say, "But, Southerners drink sweet tea." We don't drink tea so our beverage of choice is water, lemonade of soda when sitting on the front porch. 

I put my stuff inside and took my soda and sat there with him to enjoy and breathe in some of that country air and just be. While we sat there a hummingbird came flitting around the front flower bed. It found my 'Lucifer' flower and took a little sip of its nectar. I grabbed my cellphone to try and get a picture. Missed the hummingbird (they are VERY fast) so I took a picture of this pretty flower anyway. 

Found this neat flower a few years ago at Kroger. This year it is has sent up four or five additional shoots so it may actually be going to take hold and keep growing. I love this deep red color and its shape is perfect for the hummingbirds. 

Claude planted some day lilies this summer when he was working on his path to go down the hill. He told me today they have pink blossoms. You can't see them from the top of the hill so I didn't know this. I put on my sneakers and took a walk down the hill to view these beauties.
Then I took a few pictures of them from their position on the hill. They are planted at the base of the posts that would form the gate as Claude calls it. This is where the hill goes to a flat surface to the creek.  The first picture is looking up the hill toward our home. The second picture is looking from the day lilies across the flat across the lot we own next to our home. Man, we live in a pretty spot of this earth.
These just make me happy. 

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