Friday, March 18, 2016

To Caucus or Not To Caucus...

This year was a first for me. That is always interesting to think of when one is 65 years of age. It's nice to know there are and will still be 'firsts' even as I get older.

This year we are enduring, and I do mean 'enduring', the race to find a nominee for the Republican and Democratic parties for the presidential elections. November 8, 2016 will be the next election for the President of the United States. 

This year Rand Paul, who is a U.S. Senator from Kentucky, wanted to run for U.S. Senator and President. He could not do this with the regular Primary elections we have had in the past. He managed to get the change made so that Kentucky held 'caucuses' instead of 'primaries' allowing him to fulfill his dream of running for both the U.S. Senate and the President at the same time. All that change and he dropped out before they even held the caucus in Kentucky. Bitter, party of one, that is me regarding this. 

Saturday, March 5th, Claude and I went into Georgetown to cast our ballot for the Republican nominee for the Presidential election. There was only one polling place in each county. People were confused and many went to their regular polling place only to find no one there. Then they had to research and learn where they were supposed to go to vote. Notice was sent out. I posted on my Facebook page with a link to help people understand about the caucus voting. There was still confusion.

In addition, we had a race for State Representative in our area. Our previous State Representative was elected as Commissioner of Agriculture for Kentucky. Someone needed to finish his term. So, on the Tuesday following the Saturday caucus, a special election was held for portions of Scott County to fill this vacancy. This only added to the confusion. 

The other thing that was very different in a caucus was the opportunity to speak with people politicking for their candidates. There were tables set up right in the room where you received your ballot. At any other polling place there is not be be any of this within a specified number of yards from the polling place. I even noticed brochures for a candidate right on the table where we got our ballot. 

Rebecca Johnson was there. She is our Scott County Clerk. I said to Claude that I bet she had to be there all day. That is when he explained that the caucus is run by the Republican Party in this case and not the Clerk for the area. Rebecca didn't have to be there but she was probably very curious and she is very conscientious. A number of our elected officials from Kentucky were there which Claude and I know and we were able to chat with each of them.

We made it through our line to the table and received a little paper ballot about the size of a quarter of a sheet of typing paper. On it was the entire list of names of all the Republicans running to be the Presidential nominee, even though many of them had already dropped out of the race. There was a circle before each of their names. We went to a room with round tables in it and boards (like science project boards) put up on tables to provide privacy as you filled in the circle before the candidate of your choice. Then we went to a box at the front of the room and dropped our little ballot into the slot. Very old school.

Claude and I then went out for dinner. Truly the highlight of the experience.

I just want to state for the record this is absolutely the worst set of candidates I have ever seen in any years I have ever voted. 

At this point on the Democrat side is Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.  I don't trust Hillary Clinton as far as anyone could throw her. Bernie Sanders is a declared socialist. I'm appalled we have a socialist out there gathering delegates. 

On the Republican side they have narrowed their field to three candidates: Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich. The only one of these that even seems feasible to me is John Kasich. Throughout all of this process there has been such un-President-like behavior from all parties. Kasich, who is the current governor of Ohio, is the only one of the final three candidates that has not participated in this. I believe there are some hints at him doing a bit of it lately but not like the others. Donald Trump is just a pompous, narcissist who seems to be used to telling people what he wants and then them doing it. I am appalled he is even seriously being considered. Every time I hear him state he is going to build a wall to keep out illegals I think back to the Berlin Wall and the efforts to 'Take down that wall!'. And now people cheer that he is going to build a wall. Not that something should not be done...but a wall? Ted Cruz is just the default guy with maybe enough momentum to trounce on Trump. I listened to Ted Cruz deliver an address after winning one of the Primary's and I just didn't get anything out of what he said. It seemed like words to fill the space and time and sound like you really knew things and had a plan but nothing at all concrete. Just fluff.

I find myself this year very, very concerned with where we are as a country. This will be an interesting election. I freely admit I am not the most politically astute person. But I have a good sense of when someone is sincere and when they are full of baloney. I have strong feelings and impressions about things and will go with those feelings. This process has served me well for 65 years.

Many years I have heard people say, "I will vote for this person. They will be better than that person." This year, it seems there is no 'lesser of two evils' for which to vote. It seems like we will end up with Hillary Clinton on the Democratic side and Donald Trump on the Republican side. Heaven help us. We will need it!!

There, I usually don't get really negative with my Blog. There is enough of that in the world. But this election process is driving me nuts this time. Just plain nuts.

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