Saturday, September 24, 2016

Run Hayden, Run!!!

Our Hayden has taken up Cross Country at his Middle School. He has done running in Elementary School and some of the Oldham County activities. I love watching him run. 

It is a 90 minutes drive from Sadieville to Bardstown. We didn't need to be there until 11:15 so we left at 9am and stopped at Burger King for a biscuit breakfast we could eat in the car as we drove. 

When we arrived we pulled into Walmart to find some bug spray in case it was needed. We also found the fabric I need to make pajama pants for Hayden and Bailey for Christmas. Batman for Hayden and M&M's for Bailey. We purchased the two other fleece blankets needed for prizes for our Chili Cook-off. 

The maddening thing was getting someone to cut the fabric. We had enough time but not lots of time for dilly dallying around. No one was at the cutting counter so I went and found a man and asked him to please call someone for the cutting counter in fabric. He left me to do that. Never heard that call over the sound system. I asked Claude to watch the fabric and, if someone came, to tell them I needed 1 1/2 yards of each kind. Then I set off in another direction to find another person to ask to call someone to cut fabric. She was in the shoe section and got up immediately to call someone. No call over the sound system again. By this time there was another couple in line tapping their fingers waiting for service. Hmmm... I left again for the front of the store and the customer service counter. There was a line a mile long. Well, not a mile, but it looked like it when you are now in a hurry and really beginning to get frustrated. I have looked high and low for M&M fabric and really didn't want to lose this chance to purchase it. I walked back through sporting goods and saw two Walmart associates coming from the back. I walked matter-of-factly up to them and stated my frustration at asking twice already with no response to get help with cutting fabric and assured them there were now two people in line wanting fabric cut. The female came right with me. She never heard the request. Geez!! She said they were short staffed. I did not comment. She cut my fabric having to leave once and go get another reader with paper tape in it. Geez!! We headed for check-out and found the best line to be in. While standing there I realized I didn't have a piece of paper with the price for the fabric. Are you kidding me? Back toward fabric I headed with Claude holding our place at checkout. As I went back I retraced my steps. Then I thought it may have falling into my purse. Sure enough, there was the sticker with the price stuck to the straps of my purse. Hallelujah!! Back to check and then away to the High School for the Cross Country meet. 

Hayden is small for his age. He has low muscle tone. He doesn't do well in heat and is not fond of the out-of doors. So the fact that he is trying this sport is just over-the-moon amazing. I don't care if the kid ever gets to the front of the pack. I'm just so thrilled he found a sport he could participate in. Here are a few pictures of our boy.

Hayden ran 10 seconds faster than his best time. He was very happy. This was a tough course and the temperature felt like 98 according to the weather man. I whole-heartedly agree. It was up and down hills and not easy at all. When he was finished, there was family to greet him. That is Andie taking the pictures and Michael on the right telling him how great he was. You can't see cheerleader Bailey in front of Andie. 
This was the starting gun for the race. It went off just as we got there to start the girls race. Thought I was going to jump out of my skin!
Claude brought a hat for me and one for him. This is the straw hat I bought in the Bahamas years ago. Bailey immediately wanted to try it out. Isn't she cute? I had not the heart to tell her the bow goes in the back at the base of her neck. I mean really. I looks great where she has it.
Claude treated us all to lunch at Fazoli's.

After lunch, we went out to the Marx van and Hayden pulled out his baritone tuba he is learning to play in school band. So very cute. I do believe he likes it a lot.
 It was a great day in the sun. Good to support the Grandmonsters whenever we can.

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