Thursday, July 20, 2017

St. John's Music Camp...

Bailey loves to participate in the St. John's Music Camp each year. For a week they learn a play and then perform for their family and friends on Friday evening and again for the worship service on Sunday. St. John's is the church where Hayden and Bailey attended pre-school. The play is always a religious or moral themed play. Lots of fun music. Lots of opportunity for lots of kids to be involved. Some in more major roles and some in chorus positions. Even the little nursery kids have a place in the play. It is performed in the sanctuary of St. John's. Claude had meetings in Elizabethtown, Kentucky that day so he drove over from there. I came from Sadieville. Hayden and Michael were on the bus driving back to Kentucky from their scout trip and wouldn't be home until 11pm. They would attend the Sunday service.

Okay, I knew I had heard this word 'agape' but it is definitely not of common usage. I found an entry in the Institute New Testament Student Manual for 1 Corinthians 12:31; 13:1-8. This is where Paul emphasizes charity. This is the paragraph in the student manual that helped me understand why the word was familiar. "The word charity is a translation of the Greek noun agape, which can also mean simply "love". Agape is used in other New Testament passage to describe the deep and abiding love between the Father and the Son, the divine love that God has for man, and the love we are to have for our fellowman." That is why I kind of knew about the word but didn't remember it. It is a Greek word and I always read the English translation of the Greek word in my scriptures. 

Bailey auditioned and received the role of Jumper. Jumper is member of the Agape League in the play. This is a group of superhero like characters with superhero powers. Jumper is a very hyperactive person. Hmmmm...Bailey is perfect for this role. She put her heart and sole into it. Learned all of her line and performed with great enthusiasm. She had a rap number for one song and the girl was over the top cute in it. 

Here are a few pictures. Bailey is in the red cap turned sideways, red sunglasses, and red legging with a white t-shirt.
Caught her yawning!! 
 She was trying to get the audience to rise for a standing ovation.
Pose for her mother after the performance. The girl has sass.
She must love the costume because this was the next day at home eating pickled green beans.

Michael and Andie usually buy her a bouquet of flowers to be given after the performance. As I drove to the Marx home Friday evening, I stopped at Kroger and picked up a bouquet of daisies. When I entered their home I put them on a table in the entry and quietly told Andie. She hid them so Bailey wouldn't know we got them. We completely forgot to take them to the church. When I was driving home I remembered and when I stopped for a soda in Waddy, I sent Andie a text to reminder her there were flowers for Bailey and she could give them to her now or wait until after the Sunday performance. Bailey was right there when Andie received this text and told Andie to wait till Sunday because she would have forgotten by then. Whew!! Andie did wait till Sunday and had Hayden give Bailey the flowers. 

We saw the teacher that directed the play after the Friday performance. She just looked at Andie and said, "Was this the perfect role for Bailey or what???" We all had a laugh and then she told us that she was telling this to Bailey about it being her perfect role. Bailey simply said to her in her most sincere voice, "It is the role I have been preparing for all my life!!"  (All 10 years.)

Bailey is about to age out of this performance. She can go back as a helper of the children. She seems to think that would be a great idea. Love watching her perform.

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