Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Helping the Infirmed...

Our granddaughter, Katelyn, had gall bladder surgery. Claude and I have both had this and had very easy recovery periods. A few days at most and then back to our old selves. Katelyn was not so fortunate. She also has two little children. The oldest is three and the baby just turned 6 months. She was told she could not lift the baby for a period of time. Claude assured her if she needed us, we would come to help. Katelyn and Drew, her hubby, used family and friends and then did need additional help. Katelyn called us on Saturday, October 26th, to ask if we could still come and help them. We did some setting up of hotel rooms, getting laundry done, planning for Papa, paying Papa's bills, etc. to get ready.

Monday, I went to visit Papa in the morning. When I got home we put all our things in my car and pointed it northward. We took a different route this time from Cincinnati through Indiana to Grand Haven. We made fairly good time and arrived in the evening. We checked into the hotel. Then we went to the Roper home.

The plan was for me to spend the nights with the Ropers so I could take care of the baby, Emelia, during the night. Then Claude would come over in the morning and I would go to the hotel for my shower and a quick nap leaving Claude to do all the lifting. We thought this would keep us both as rested as possible since the little ones schedule is not our norm. Also, Claude has been recovering nicely with his back pain and we wanted that to stay in good shape. We visited with the Ropers a bit and then Claude left for the hotel. We were on our way to help through Thursday.

Tuesday morning I took these two pictures of our great grandmonsters as they filled their morning. I have a matching game on my Kindle just for Raelyn. She always asks for it as soon as she sees me. She is playing the game so she can get to the kitten that you cover in bubbles and then dress it up with all kinds of costume things. She did impress me this time with finding the truck part of the game and playing in that part some.  
Tuesday evening we all packed up and drove to Muskegon to have dinner at Pizza Ranch with Nissa, our daughter, Todd, her hubby, and Aubrey Anne, our grandmonster. There was a packed house at Pizza Ranch but we all enjoyed our meals and had a very nice visit. We weren't sure if we would be able to see everyone with this being a helping kind of trip. So we were extra happy we got this time together.

Wednesday I found Miss Emelia enjoying her little chair. There is a mirror on the chair and she was particularly happy with the cute baby in the mirror. I took this picture and titled it, "Mirror, mirror on my chair, I'm the fairest one of all!" This was truly fun to watch. 
Claude was able to get Emelia to sleep three times when it was nap time for her and she was needing a little help to get to the sleeping point. She seemed to love his big shoulders to sleep on. Needless to say, this pleases him no end. 
Wednesday afternoon Paul came for a visit. He works the evening shift and was able to come for a couple of hours prior to going to work. It was great fun to see him. I brought lunch for everyone when I returned from my little hotel respite. So happy we got to see our Paul.

Thursday was our begin the journey home day. I started that morning by telling Katelyn there is not much sweeter in this world than looking into a baby's face in the middle of the night. After we got home, someone posted a meme on Facebook about just that thought. I copied it and sent it to Katelyn. It was a delight. I have to say that Emelia, laying there with closed eyes and her little button nose, looked just like the Precious Moments children. Perfect little features in the most angelic and pure moment. Loved it.
Raelyn managed to dress herself in one of her princess outfits. She is really, really, really into princesses. We played a lot with her little princess dolls and her doll house. I was amused that one time she had a tummy ache and had to go to the hospital (doll house). I think she was acting out some of the feelings she had about her Mommy and her surgery. She did it in such a positive helpful way. No fear or concern. More like, these are the things you do when this happens. There is lots of power in her princess imagination and play.
Claude took Emelia in the afternoon and she loved that his shirt had a zipper with a leather tassel on it. She looked up at him as she played with his collar and his shirt zipper. I was amazed she didn't grab his beard or his chest hair. She played like this until she was ready to take her next bottle and fall asleep. Lots of smiles and grins from each of them.
We stayed until Drew was home and ready to take charge. Katelyn had been testing her waters to be sure she was ready to lift Emelia. She stayed up on Wednesday night and gave Emelia her last bottle before bedtime. During the day Thursday, she was moving around in her kitchen and even lifted Emelia a time or two. She was ready to carefully get back to full Mommy mode. Once Drew was home, we headed out for Chelsea, Michigan. There was rain with snow mixed in it that day. It was not fun for Claude to drive in but we made it to Chelsea safe and sound. 

We met Jake at Coney Island for dinner together. He got there first and secured a table by the window. We joined him and I was looking at the menu carefully to see what would work for me to eat. They have really good chicken fried steak. I am a sucker for that meal. As I looked at my menu the server came and took Claude and Jake's orders, they were all waiting for me to look up and tell her what I wanted to eat. I finally looked up to see the most disgusting of witches as our server. Facial make-up was done in an excellent fashion. Sure took me by surprise. The server and my boys all got a kick out of my reaction. You know, trying to be kind but very surprised. It was a fun moment. I did have the chicken fried steak.

After dinner we went back to the hotel and checked into our room. Jake came and we sat and ate our Halloween candy while we visited. Katelyn sent me these pictures of the kids trick-or-treating in the bad weather. Emelia is very bundled up in her stroller. Raelyn was sporting her new stocking cap which Katelyn purchased and assured her was just right for Rapunzel. Rapunzel is Raelyn's very favorite princess. I think she is really stylin' in those boots!
This is a picture Katelyn gave me of our girls not bundled up and in their costumes.
Andie sent us this picture of Bailey and her less than lovely but very well done make-up for Halloween. This girl is over-the-top fun and Raelyn seems to be her blond clone.  
So a good Halloween was had by all. 

Friday morning we were up early so we could get on the road and home in time for me to visit Papa. Someone posted this cute picture of a cat with bunny ears. I sent it to Bailey, who loves all animals, and to Katelyn to show Raelyn. 
Katelyn sent us these pictures of Raelyn trying to brush Emelia's hair. Oh My!! Katelyn said Emelia was very patient and Raelyn tried to be gentle. What a merry-go-round these two will lead their parents on.
It was a good visit. If I didn't have Papa to visit daily, we could have been there for more of this fun. But we are very grateful to be in a position to have been able to help in some small way for these days. We do love our family.

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