Friday, July 17, 2009

Camp Christensen - Day 6 (Saturday, July 11th) - Part 2

Quiet time is over!! Yippee!! Let's hit the hill for some fun!!
Papa had his doctor's appointment in the afternoon for the cancer on his ear. After he finished he joined us for the afternoon and evening. Paul pulled out the guitar that Papa keeps at our home and they had a learning session. Paul has learned a lot of the chords and was ready for his next round of instruction. Little Tiny was grateful for a lap to lay on. She has to get used to the all the kids and the noise and activity they produce.
Then Aubrey talked Papa into a walk. They walked out of our development and down the mile long lane across Hwy. 32 and back. They found lots of wildflowers and brought enough to surprise me with a hugh bouquet. Papa taught Aubrey how to tell the difference between poison ivy and poison oak. I must have him teach me that again. This is a pleasant walk once you get on Mulberry Lane. It is flat for the mile in and back and the trees have grown into a canopy over the lane. There is a little stream that runs along one side of it.
Then it was time to pull out the jump ropes and hula hoops for some fun on the hill.
Hayden found a bottle that you fill with water and squirt. He cleaned the garage door, the side door to the garage and a lot of the patio. I am blessed with grandmonsters that like to clean. Hayden and Bailey loved getting the Swiffer dusters and go to town dusting things. Paul loves the Swiffer mop. He swept and mopped my hardwood floors 2 times in the week he was here.
Claude had a special 'experiment' he found and wanted to try for the kids. So with 2 liter bottles of Coke and a package of Mentos for each bottle of Coke, Grampa had Paul help him set off wonderful flows of Coke on Area 11.
Bailey took her special friend, Tiny, out on the hill for a walk. She chased Tiny all they way across Area 11 and they both ran back to our back yard. She will say, "Okay Tiny, yet's go!!" Bailey often uses a 'y' for the 'l' sound. We all found ourselves during the week saying, "Yook!" for 'look'. Tiny was worn out and very happy when Paul wrangled Bailey and got her to play on the hammock.
After a brief rest, Claude (Pa) had Bailey help him harvest the tomato and pepper crop he has grown in pots and bourbon barrels on the deck.
Then it was time for water balloon bowling game. Paul & Aubrey helped filled the balloons with water. We also filled 6 water bottles about 1/4 full and set them up like bowling pins. We watered down the patio so that things would roll a little smoother. Each grandmonster had their own style. We all got a kick out of Hayden figuring out to hold the balloon by it's knot and whack the pins so they would fall. That is thinking outside that old box.
Bailey dressed for the occasion in her pink heels. Nathan really enjoyed these when they came for their visit in June.
Paul and Aubrey finished off the water balloons and then enjoyed the sprinkler for a bit before time to retire for the evening.

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