Thursday, July 16, 2009

Camp Christensen - Day 5 (Friday, July 10th)

Friday morning I had a final check-up with Dr. Elvis about my March surgery. This was in Lexington. Claude dropped me off at the doctor office and he took Aubrey and Paul to Spaulding's Bakery for homemade donuts.
The plan had been to go to McConnell Springs with the kids but we determined we really wanted to be home. McConnell Springs is the founding location for Lexington. I always have lots of possibilities so we can change course and do what is most fun for the kids at that time. So we headed back to Sadieville. We talked with Andie and she was getting things pulled together to join us in the afternoon. We had the threat of thunderstorms all weekend. We spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday doing things to work around the rain which was supposed to be on us at any moment. It never rained like we anticipated. We got a couple of light showers but not the big thunder booming gully washers we anticipated. However, Friday afternoon we had some wonderful winds come in. I had purchased a nice kite for each grandmonster. When the wind came up, Paul said, "I want to fly my kite." So out we all headed to Area 11, the empty lot next to us that we own where there are no power lines or buildings to hit. Aubrey and Paul totally enjoyed the ability to get their kites up quickly and keep them up for long periods of time. Hayden was so happy to have a Thomas the Train kite but the winds were too much for him and he really didn't want Thomas to tear. But he and Bailey totally enjoyed watching Paul and Aubrey fly kites. It did rain some while they were out but no thunder and lightening, just a nice shower that is fun to run and play in.
I also got each grandmonster a yo-yo. Paul took the instruction sheet for some yo-yo tricks and he was off and running with his. He was quite good at it.
Aubrey played the piano and Bailey tried to do what Aubrey did. Please note they each have very different styles. Bailey is still at the multi-tasking form of piano playing (eat while you play).
Grampa always has a craft project to be painted while at Camp. The first year each grandmonster painted a storage chest. In the past we have also painted picture frames and bird houses. This year Claude bought letters to spell each grandmonsters name. He affixed them to board strips and had them laid out on the table ready to paint before any kids came. Friday afternoon was 'Paint with Pa' time. Each grandmonster was given one of Pa's old t-shirts and whatever color paint they wanted and size brush they were feeling they needed. Everyone totally enjoys this portion of paint. You can tell each of their personalities and sometimes their favorite colors.
Katelyn was not at Camp Christensen this year. She has been in Utah and Idaho visiting family. Andie painted Katelyn's sign for her.
The rest of the evening was spent outside on the hill with the older kids spinning around with the younger kids...
and Paul & Hayden wrestling on the love seat and Hayden with a pompom on his head.
If I remember correctly, this was the night we watched the movie 'Cars' before heading to bed. Thus ended Friday.

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