Saturday, April 24, 2010

Vine Street...

Today was Sadieville Clean-up Day. Claude and I met the other volunteers at Waring Pavilion at 9am. Detta had bags for us to pick up trash in. Claude got the reflective vests out of the Depot/City Hall. We each picked a street and we were off.

I chose Vine Street. I walked one side and came back the other. I gathered 3 bags with trash. Now, they were not full because I can't carry tons of weight. But I did my share of collecting.

Which brings me to my gripe for the day...what in the world makes someone who smokes feel it is okay to toss that cigarette butt on the ground. If front of City Hall I found a ton, well, not really a ton, but a lot of cigarette butts. Guess what. There are two, count them, two cigarette receptacles right in front of city hall. There is one at the door by the offices and on at the other end at the door by the meeting room. We are talking no more that 3 or 4 steps to put that waste in a receptacle placed there just for that cigarette butt.

I get frustrated with people tossing their trash out the window or just letting it drop to the ground as they finish something when they walk.  In today's world there are trash receptacles all over the place. They are in front of all the service stations, the fast food places, and the list goes on. There is really NO reason we couldn't all hold on to our trash and put it in one of these handy, dandy receptacles.

The fun part of today was meeting some of the people in our community I have never met before. That was just great. There are some of the nicest people out here in the country. It was fun to meet some of them and get to know them today.

Vernon Morris came over after we finished our rounds and cooked us some hot dogs. Detta made and brought brownies. Vernon had soda on ice. It was nice to sit and shoot the breeze with people that had helped to clean up our community. Something just feels right and good about working hard and then just visiting with those with whom you worked. Like the icing on a cake.

I truly enjoy living in Sadieville. It's fun to see people excited about spiffing up our little burg. It's fun to be a part of keeping this bit of our world looking as good as we can.

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