Thursday, September 23, 2010


As a child we spoke of 'angels'. My mother was always quick to remind us that angels really didn't have wings.

When we lived in Maryland and I was the Education Counselor in Relief Society, we held a Visiting Teaching Conference on February 23, 1997 and used 'angels' as our theme. I found a cute little angel in my clip art. I promptly clipped her wings and used her without them. She had just enough attitude in her portrayal to be a great visual for this conference. We named her 'Charity' (the Relief Society motto is 'Charity Never Faileth'). As soon as the sisters at Church saw her they knew she was an angel, even without her wings. Here is Charity:
Charity was just the right 'angel' for the job of teaching about 'charity' at this visiting teaching conference.

Our Owingsville Ward asked me to come and share some of my thoughts about 'angels' at their Enrichment Meeting for Relief Society on December 5, 2006. I pulled out Charity and took her for a ride to Owingsville and shared my feelings about the importance of angels in our lives.

My aversion to wings on angels has become a point of humor between Laura (my dear friend) and me. She is always quick to remind me that 'angels don't have wings' because she knows a little of this history. Then we have a knowing chuckle between us.

I even had a National Geographic article that told about the paintings on the Sistine Chapel done by Michaelangelo. They were cleaning them up and found that people had painted wings over the original work. He didn't paint the angels with wings originally.

This past week my parents have had a few health issues. I've watched as people have shared their concern and given their help for each of them.

My mother has thrown up (not pleasant topic here but it is reality) her meals at least once a week for the last 3 weeks. Since she is an Alzheimer's patient, I feel this is part of the progression of the illness. My father has developed a nasty cold and has not been able to go to see her for four days now. He usually goes every day for at least one of her meals to feed her. When I was in the nursing home Tuesday evening to check on my mother it was right after their dinner hour. Willie (one of the CNA's), came to me as they were clearing the tables and room. He made it a point to tell me that he personally fed my mother that evening and she ate well. He knew I was concerned and that Papa was concerned. That my friends is an 'angel' in action.

Tuesday afternoon I went to the Family History Center with Claude. Ususally he and Papa cover this shift but we wanted Papa to stay home and rest. When we entered the Family History Center, Karen Parker asked right away how Papa was. I didn't know she even knew he was not feeling well. I explained that he looked a little rugged when I left him before coming to the Family History Center. Karen quickly asked, "What about I go home and make some soup and take him a bowl of soup for dinner?" That my friends is an 'angel' in action.

Amazingly, today I received notice of two friends who have lost their babies. One of the ladies in our congregation is gathering condolence thoughts from all the members of our ward (congregation) and making a 'Strength Book' to be taken to the parents of one of these little children. This family recently moved from Kentucky to another state. Another couple in our ward (congregation) is going very near this young couple tomorrow and will take this 'Strength Book' to them with loving thoughts from all their friends in Kentucky. That my friends is 'angels' in action.

Sunday, after Church, I visited a bit with Bea Stanley. Several years ago Bea and Anne Addison were assigned to visit teach my mother in the nursing home. What a daunting task. They never knew my mother when she could speak. So they were going to visit someone that couldn't even talk to them. But they faithfully visited her. I knew that visiting teaching assignment had changed some time back and they were no longer her visiting teachers. What I didn't know and found out over the last couple of weeks is that Bea and Anne are still going to visit my mother. Bea goes at least once a month and Anne, who travels quite a bit, still goes when she is in town. They are doing this not for recognition or I would have been told by them way before this. They do this because they are 'angels' in very deed.

As I look at my last few weeks, I find many of these little things done by very busy people to care for and comfort others.

The word 'angel' means 'messenger'. There are 'angels' that come from the realms of Glory and perform works here on this earth that is assigned by our Heavenly Father. But just as importantly there are human hands upon this earth that help our Heavenly Father care for his children. These are also angels. Not all of us have the same gifts to give to others. But we each have some gift we can give when we feel or see another in need. And I am not talking of monetary gifts. We can each quietly perform the work of an 'angel' or 'messenger' from Heavenly Father to aid and comfort, support and sustain his children.

There is a great scripture in Hebrews 13:2 - "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

Emily Dickenson wrote:

If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain:
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

So my thoughts have turned to all those angels who have touched my life and the lives of those I love. I am grateful to each and everyone one of them past, present and future.  May they feel warmth in their heart and know their gift of love and care has blessed my life. May they understand that the warmth in their heart is the gift of love from our Heavenly Father thanking them for being his hands here on this earth.

I just hope I can be that 'angel' in someone elses life as well...

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