Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Let's Wax Political...

This year my dear hubby will run for election as Mayor of Sadieville. He has been the Mayor for some time now.  He has really stressed the need for the citizens to become more active in Sadieville's 'politics'.  This year for the first time since we moved here  six years ago, there two people running for Mayor. There are five people running for the four City Commission seats.  So things are alive and happening in Sadieville. Claude is very happy with this political enthusiasm in Sadieville.

Claude determined he would need to have a bit of a campaign this year. He talked with some others running and did some research himself. He has come up with a few things the plans to do to be sure the citizenry knows he is serious about retaining his role as the Mayor of Sadieville. The first of these steps was completed this afternoon.

Claude ordered some signs for yards and a banner to go in front of our Eagle Bend, our sub-division. He has ordered a few other things as well. While he was in Louisville at the Governor's Conference last week, the package with his collateral arrived. I popped him an eMail explaining his 'political collateral' arrived.

Since we had grandmonsters in the house, Claude waited until Sunday to open these boxes. I was in Frankfort and then Georgetown.

I got home about 5:30pm Sunday afternoon. We sat in the living room and caught up on each other's day. Then Claude popped the question, "Would you like to see my banner?"

I was indeed anxious to see what he ordered.  He came into the living room and spread out his banner which he intended to place at the entrance to Eagle Bend. It laid it out on the living room floor. We both looked at it, then we looked at each other, then the giggles began...

May I just say that I've been married for 40 years. I've grown accustomed to the name 'Christensen' and it really doesn't seem very long to me anymore. Granted, it is not the world's longest last name. However...when you take the name 'Christensen' and you make it the biggest word on the banner and stretched it out six feet...it really looks big and very long.

Pretty soon our giggles were peals of laughter.  After that subsided, Claude quietly said, "You don't think it is too pretentious do you?"

Oh...my...goodness!!!  Then we both enjoyed another round of laughter together.

The banner is beautiful. Really it is. But it is VERY bold.

This afternoon when Claude returned from his day of meetings with the Chamber of Commerce and Blue Grass ADD, he asked me if I wanted to take my pictures. Well of course I did. He dutifully posed in the living room for a shot of him holding the banner so it stretched from the top of his head to the floor and another shot with him holding it with arms stretched out.
Then I jumped in the Jeep with the banner and steel posts and plastic ties and headed to the entrance of Eagle Bend with Claude. There were already three other candidates signs posted there and one sign for selling of our neighbors home. Claude found his spot and hammered the steel posts into the ground. Then he tied on his banner. When he finished he had a very nice looking banner.
I truly hope Claude wins this election. He has worked very hard for Sadieville ever since he was sworn in as a City Commissioner. He has gone to classes and studied and learned about the things he needed to understand to fulfill his responsibilities as a City Commissioner over Public Works. He has carefully studied and planned so that improvements can eventually be made to the streets in Sadieville. He has a vision and direction that he wants to work at for our city. I know he will honestly and diligently work to accomplish all that he can possibly do for Sadieville and it's citizens.

Someone asked me Sunday when I was in Georgetown what would happen if Claude was not elected. I assured them that, first of all, it would be a loss for Sadieville and it's citizens. Claude has done so much to facilitate the sewer project here and he knows the people and the process to get that completed. Plus he really wants to work at improving our streets and community. He has plans for how to do that. But, if he is not voted back in as Mayor, I assured this person that Claude would find other places and projects that he could devote his time and energy to in our area. He has volunteered for so many other things in our area and is well respected for his abilities and hard work that he will have no trouble finding other places to channel his energy and skills.

This election will be an interesting experience. One that Claude and I are happy will have more people running for election than there are seats for. This is the involvement and excitement Claude has wanted to see in Sadieville.

And really, once the banner was up, it didn't look as big as it did on our living room floor. However, Claude said he might eMail Ryan Quarles and tell him his banner is bigger that Ryan who is running for State Senator. This should be a fun few months!!

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