Thursday, September 30, 2010

Driving Hazards...

Yesterday morning I had a visit to make to a friend who lives further out in the country than we do. You must drive through Sadieville and head north on narrow, windy roads. I'm not sure what the deal was yesterday but I had more trouble dodging things in the road than ever before. I will tell you that I am so grateful that last year they added about a foot more asphalt to these back roads so that if you both slow way, way, way down you can pass another car on the road.

Anyway, I'm just outside of Sadieville with Eagle Creek on my right and a chipmunk carrying a huge nut of some kind decided to cross the highway. I figured it would see the car and run for one of the edges of the road. But I slowed down just in case. This little critter just sat in the road with a fist full of food for his winter storage and looked at me like I had no business on the road. I had to almost come to a complete stop before he actually headed on down toward the creek. I looked in my rearview mirror and a truck that had been way behind me was gathering it up and starting to pull into the oncoming lane to get around me.


I headed on past where Davis Road turn to go to Cynthiana and headed out the country road toward my friends home. What should appear on this stretch of road but a squirrel who paused just like the chipmunk to check me out. I slowed down and it scurried away.

I got to Dryden where I make the turn onto another narrower country road. It is a sharp turn and up an incline. I got to that intersection and, lo and behold, there were two logging trucks whose trailers where piled high with logs. They even had little trailers behind each of the big trailers carrying additional logs. I rounded the corner hoping I could get around them. Turns out they were smack-dab in the middle of Dryden and I couldn't get past them. They saw me and quickly ran for their trucks. Hmmmm...what to do. They were way to huge for making any kind of a turn at this 3-way intersection without any other traffic. If I back down the incline they probably couldn't make a turn around me and I didn't know which way they even want to turn. I found a grassy spot and pulled up on it beside Dryden Road. They pulled out and worked at making their turns and I headed on down to my friends.

I was very amused that we live in the country to get away from that traffic rat-race we had in the DC area for 20 years. This was clearly the most obstacles I've encountered in some time on these back roads. It just gave me a chuckle that I wanted to remember.

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