Monday, September 13, 2010

Mini-Marx Magic...

Just wanted to share a few pictures of our Friday and Saturday visit with Hayden & Bailey. We'll start at Brookings Park on Friday night.

Our little ones really enjoy this park. It was actually a great time to be there. Lots of cloud cover kept it cool and comfortable. We checked under the bridge for trolls. Grampa drove past the geese and ducks for Bailey. There were chestnuts to be learned about falling from trees. Hayden found a couple of rocks for his collection.

We returned to Sadieville and watched Peter Pan on Grampa's big TV with Hayden and Bailey while eating a picnic dinner on the floor before bedtime.

As Hayden was drifting off to dreamland he said, "Ma, tomorrow morning we are going to have a BIG breakfast with bacon and pancakes and eggs and toast." Just love how his little mind works.

Saturday morning Claude did fix a big breakfast. Then we found a fun guest on the counter in the guest bathroom.
It was a katydid. How it got in the house we'll never know. But it amused us a lot. We checked it often and it managed to get from the bathroom counter to the wall above the towel racks and eventually into the living room. Claude did get it out in the front yard to join all its katydid friends before they left for LaGrange.

Bailey enjoys taking things at hand and pretending to make imaginery cakes for everyone. This picture is of Hayden helping Bailey make her imaginery cake for Saturday morning.
I got Hayden and Bailey pajamas. They came on kid size coat hangers. Hayden informed me he wanted to save them to use them at his home. Really...what he ended up doing with them was decorating me. By the time he was finished I had coat hangers hanging from my glasses, my camera hanging off my ear and the cover to my cell phone on my hand. I also had a very giggly Hayden at my side totally enjoying his me Ma-Toy.
Claude brought home from his conference two giveaways. The giveaway was a little gadget that was a flashlight, level & tape measure in one. Hayden and Bailey fell in love with these wonderful gifts. They measured lots of things and checked out all the places we could close and turn out lights. They are still playing with them at their home. Andie assures me they checked all her teeth and pronounced her healthy.
We had a really good time in a very short time. I sure hope all the grandmonsters love coming Grampa and Gramma's house. It should be full of adventure and fun and good things to eat. Building memories that will last forever. 

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