Monday, September 13, 2010


To say that 'retirement' is restful is...well, it is just ridiculous. This last weekend was pure evidence of the silliness of thinking being retired is restful. Let me see if I can explain this.

Many months ago Claude and I purchased tickets to see 'Crosby, Stills & Nash'. When we were in Hawaii we visited the Polynesian Cultural Center to view their IMAX about coral reefs. All the background music for this presentation was done by 'Crosby, Stills & Nash'.

After viewing the IMAX movie, I headed outside thinking my dear hubby was close behind. Imagine my surprise to find I was all alone. Turns out he exited into the gift shop (One would think this would have been what I would have done on my perpetual quest for a Christmas tree ornament from every place we visit!). He was so taken with the background music he was hoping there would be a CD in the gift shop. No such luck.

After returning to Kentucky, Claude did find and purchased a CD of 'Crosby, Stills & Nash' at our local mall (a.k.a. Walmart). He was a happy camper. But he was even happier when I told him I got an eMail that they were coming to Louisville. We determined we would purchase tickets. I did this and they were for Saturday, September 11th at 8pm at the Louisville Palace.

Then the 'Governor's Conference' dates came and Claude filled in that he would attend that on Wednesday, September 8th thru Friday, September 10th. Our thought was to ask the Marx family if I could come over on Friday the 10th and we would spend the night at their home, play with grandmonsters, attend Crosby, Stills & Nash on Saturday night and return home from there.

My own schedule for that week began with a full Labor Day (see previous post). Closing up the house and recuperating from full blown allergies on Tuesday after picking pears on Monday (silly Moi). Singing with my father and my presidency meeting on Wednesday. Canning 18 pints of pears and dehydrating 1 1/2 dehydraters of pears and meetings in Lexington on Thursday. Friday was spent getting household chores done.

A few weeks prior to this last week, I received eMail notification of special training and a Women's meeting in Crestwood, Kentucky on Saturday, September 11th. The training was to be from 2pm-5pm and the Women's Meeting was to be from 6:30pm - 8pm. Hmmmmm...the tickets for Crosby, Stills & Nash came to mind on the night of the 11th. I really needed and wanted to be at these meetings. We were having guests from the General Relief Society, Primary and Young Women's presidencies attend and provide this training, then they would speak at the Women's Meeting. This promised to be a great opportunity.

Then I was called by our Stake President and asked if my presidency would provide sack lunch type dinners for 90 people who attended the training and were staying for the Women's meeting. "Sure, we would be happy to do that," was my response. So Wednesday evening (September 8th) my presidency planned and assigned what to do for this meal and then how to serve it. We would have no access to kitchen facilities or refrigeration.

Our menu was ham & cheese wraps, bag of chips, apple, pre-packaged desserts. We decided we would set up a buffet line with the items on the table in order of heaviest to lightest. Everyone could come in one door, pick up their brown bag, napkin, apple, wrap, chips, dessert and bottle of cold water. Then they would exit out of the next door. We all took a piece of the purchase, preparation and set-up of this meal. I was responsible for the apples.

A few weeks prior to this last week and not long after receiving notice of these meetings and the need to prepare and serve a light meal, I received a call from Andie. Michael had been asked to referee soccer games for Georgetown College. He suggested to her that it might be a good opportunity to visit with Claude and I since he would be right there and he could bring her and the kids on out to our house. Now, grandparents do NOT turn down an opportunity to enjoy grandmonsters. We determined it was just a matter of working out the logistics based on what was also filling our calendars.

Here was our plan:
  • Wed., Sept 8 - Claude would go to Louisville for his meetings.
  • Thurs., Sept 9 - I would go to Evan's Orchard and buy a case of apples for my meetings.
  • Fri., Sept 10 - Claude would go to LaGrange after his meetings were over. Michael would leave work and meet them in LaGrange. The Marx van would head to Georgetown. I would leave Sadieville and meet the Marx van at Georgetown College. I would leave my car for Michael to get to Sadieville after his soccer games. We would take the mini-Marx's to dinner and a playground and then head to Sadieville.
  • Sat., Sept 11 - I would leave at noon for my meetings in Crestwood. The Marx van with all others would leave a little later and make a stop at the Salato Nature Center in Frankfort. Then it would go to LaGrange. Claude would leave LaGrange in time to get to the Palace Theater for the concert. I would leave my meetings as soon as they finished at 8pm and hurry to the Palace Theater for the concert. Then we would both drive back to Sadieville after the concert.
That WAS the plan. There were a few 'amendments' to the plan.

Claude did leave on Wednesday and I sang at the nursing home and had my presidency meeting.

Thursday I did can my pears, picked up a case of apples, and attended my meetings in Lexington.

Friday I washed my case of apples. When I counted them, I was 22 apples shy of the 90 I needed. I decided I would go into Georgetown early on my way to the college to meet the Marx's, stopping at Walmart to get extra apples. No problem...right???

Friday the Marx van left LaGrange on time. They called me. I determined in a phone conversation with Claude that we would stop and get the other things we needed at the store on the way home from Georgetown.

Friday I did meet the Marx van at Georgetown College and left my car with Michael. However, we determined we should have Claude do the grocery shopping while Andie and I played at Brookings Park with Hayden & Bailey. I gave Claude the grocery list and he left us at the park. He did the shopping then came back, we loaded us in the van and headed to Sadieville.

As we were putting the groceries away, I realized I forgot to add the apples I needed to the grocery list. problem, I would leave early on Saturday and get the apples on my way to Crestwood, go by Papa's apartment, clean the apples, then head to Crestwood.

The rest of Saturday went as planned. The Marx van left and stopped at the Salato Nature Center, then to their home. Claude made it to the concert on time. I only ended up missing about 30 minutes of the concert. Claude and I made it home by 1am Sunday morning. Then we were up at 7am for Church.

My Sunday schedule included my visit to Frankfort Ward, orienting their new Relief Society president after their meetings, a visit to Papa's to outline the next music program, a visit to Mimi, then home by 5:30pm.

Such is the reality of 'retirement'. It is full of fun, family, and learning. The reality is we NEVER tire of these things. They are the stuff of life.

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