Monday, September 26, 2011


Saturday was a busy day. It was my final day before we would leave on a week long vacation.  I spent the week prior trying to get things in preparation for this trip. I made two lists. One was things to remember to pack. The other was a list of things to get done before we left. The progress through the week was good but there was still lots to accomplish on Saturday.

In the evening I drove into Georgetown. My plan was to visit with my mom for a bit before going to listen to the General Relief Society Broadcast.

This is an annual portion of the October General Conference. It is held the Saturday evening prior to the weekend of General Conference. It is always a wonderful meeting. This broadcast can be seen on BYU-TV and I usually watch it at home on my own TV. This year our bishop asked the sisters to all come to the church and watch it together. I invited two of the sisters I visit teach. One couldn't come but one was supposed to go with me. I got a call from her late Saturday afternoon. She was watching her neighbors kids and it appeared her neighbor would not get home in time for me to pick her up to come. She was going to try and watch it on her computer.

Then in the afternoon I read on Facebook that the satellite was out at the church and we would not be able to get the broadcast there. One of the sisters that lives near the church said we could use her home. So my plan for the evening was to visit mom and then go to this sisters home to watch the broadcast.

I found my mom in the multi-purpose room. She had eaten her dinner and was waiting her turn to be made ready for bed. I pulled up a chair beside her and she chatted away. I brought my October Ensign with me. It is a beautiful magazine this month dedicated totally to the Book of Mormon. I tried to read to my mother and show her the gorgeous pictures. The two TV's were on in that room with a DVD playing a local minister preaching a firey sermon. Since most residents are hard of hearing the volume was great. The table next two us had the four guys sitting at it. One is a new resident and he was rehearsing some story and his volume was great. I had been reading Paul's words in my Sunday School lesson study during the week and there was a verse in it about 'there are many voices'. I felt like I was in the middle of those 'many voices' and I was working very hard to be sure the one voice I was reading be heard. It was a thought provoking moment.

After visiting with mom, I pulled out my MapQuest directions and headed to this sisters home for the broadcast. I found the house but there were no lights on and only her car in the driveway. I decided to drive to the church and check there in case the satellite was now able to receive the signal. No cars there. What to do? I determined that I would just drive on home, there was just enough time.

I got home just in time for the beginning of the broadcast. It was wonderful. I watched it in my basement while I worked on Bailey's Halloween costume.  It was a very nice evening. Loved the talks and enjoyed getting more done for Bailey.

Barbara Thompson, 2nd Counselor, said something like "When they clean your home after you pass away, will they be able to tell by your belongings you are a covenant making/keeping daughter of God."

Pres. Dieter Uchtdorf gave a wonderful talk using the flower called a Forger-Me-Not as his object lesson. Immediately after the broadcast this lovely picture showed up on Facebook.
While I am deeply sorry I didn't get to view this broadcast with the other ladies at church, I am feeling really good about how the evening went. Visiting my mom was good and sewing was good and listening to words of inspiration was good. It was just a really good ending to my day and a full week. 

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