Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sibling Sighting...

June Gulbrandsen came to visit this weekend. Junie is my sister. She is 14 months younger than me. She flew in Friday evening and flew out this evening. It was a wonderful visit.

The purpose of the visit was for Junie to visit with Papa and Mimi. Papa would join us Saturday morning and spend the morning visiting at our home.
Junie had a new cell phone and practiced how to use it to take pictures on Papa and me.

We would hang out at our home until time to go feed Mimi lunch. Then Junie, Papa and I went into Georgetown to visit Mimi while Papa fed her. It was a great opportunity to get a few family pictures.

I love photos of hands. This one is Mimi holding Junie's hand. What a treasure.

After Mimi ate all her lunch, we drove back to Sadieville and everyone enjoyed a nap, except me. I try but it just doesn't always work for me to take a nap.

In the evening, Claude grilled out barbeque chicken. He used a barbeque sauce that came from Michigan. It has cherry in it. Very tasty. Thanks Michigan family!! For dessert we had ice cream. I tried to get them to try my Dr. Pepper ice cream syrup that the Michigan contingent gave me for my birthday. No takers. I just don't understand that. It has a cherry flavor in it as well and it is quite good on vanilla ice cream. I did enjoy it again while everyone else had Rocky Road.

Papa was able to stay and visit till about 8pm. Then Claude, Junie and I stayed up and talked until late. It was a good day.

Today, Sunday, Claude was out of the house early to visit the Owingsville Ward. Junie and I went to Church in Georgetown. After Church Junie and I went to the nursing home to visit with Mimi one last time before Junie left.

Junie knitted a lap blanket for Mimi. We brought it home Saturday and Junie stitched a label with Mimi's name on it. I actually had a few lablels Mimi had ordered to stitch in items she made. Junie stitched one of them on the lap blanket and then I gave her the remaining ones. It just seemed right since she has Mom's name that she have those labels. It felt good to have them go to the correct home.  Junie tucked this lovely blanket around Mimi before we left.

We met Papa and Claude at the Mexican restaurant for a bite of dinner before Junie left for Louisville to catch her plane back to Utah.

These are always fun visits. It is good for Papa to have his girls come to see him. It is fun for Claude and me to have my sisters stay in our home for a bit. We have always all lived so very far apart that visits are not frequent or very long.

When we were talking Saturday night Junie commented that three days was a really good visit length. You can enjoy each other and the visit ends before anyone gets on someone elses nerves. I shared with her something I learned when Claude and I went to Savannah. The custom years ago was to have a 'pineapple' decorations. Not a real pineapple but an object made like a pineapple. When the guest arrived the host placed it on the mantel. When the host felt it was time for the guest to leave, and the guest had not made the decision to leave on their own, the host would remove the pineapple from the mantel. This was the 'signal' to the guest that the visit should end. It was a polite, quiet way to communicate that fact. As Junie and I hugged good-bye we got a chuckle when I told her I didn't even have to move the 'pineapple' before she left.

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