Friday, September 9, 2011

Time to Catch Up...

So many possible Blog entries have run through my head since I last posted a Blog. Why did they not make it to the page? Not enough time, my desire was to use that time for other things, not sure if I should really post that, etc., etc., etc. This afternoon, I'm going to put a few of my thoughts from the last nine days of my life on, hmmm, not really paper, on the air, that's it, on the air.

This particular entry will have a few pictures that Andie, my middle child, took when we had our big family weekend in August.  She eMailed them and was able to some when I did not have my camera.

The first are from the Circus on Friday night, August 26th.

First is Bailey leaning of Aubrey's knee watching the circus. I believe the lions were performing during this shot.
Hayden and Michael watching the high wire act. Love those dad and son pictures.
Claude and Bailey during intermission. He had been watching her do her ballet positions and dancing on the stairs and around the hand rail. I mean, really, who do you think has control of the situation when you look at Bailey's hand on Claude's cheek. He's a goner.   
Aubrey, Paul and Hayden enjoying their cotton candy that came in a bag inside their hats.
Hayden eating his cotton candy while wearing his Circus hat.
Bailey inside Hayden's Circus hat. You can see Paul grinning at her antics in the background.
Andie got some fun shots on Saturday, August 27th while the kids played around the house and yard.
Bailey in the wading pool.
Hayden ran down the hill to retrieve a plastic inflatable ball that was used in the wading pool.
Aubrey helping Hayden fly a kite.
Hayden jumping up to ring the wind chimes on the patio. Love this shot with Hayden right up in the air.
This is one of my favorites. Paul is holding Bailey and giving her a little kiss. These two have a very sweet little relationship. Bailey is fascinated with Paul and Paul just loves Bailey to pieces. See, teen-aged boys can be tender and caring. They just need a Bailey to bring it out in them.
Andie took some modeling classes as a teenager. She learned a bit about applying make-up. Aubrey really, really, really wants to wear make-up. As with most teen-aged girls, she needed a little instruction in applying it so it is not overdone. Andie and she did a couple of types of make-up application so that she could learn how to use lighter colors and darker colors. Aubrey, in my estimation, is just a beautiful young girl and needs no make-up, period. But, I understand that drive to learn how to do it. It was fun to have Andie and Aubrey work on learning this skill. This is one of their finished sessions.
Of course Miss Bailey needed to participate. Aubrey was happy to share a little touch of lipstick with her.
Bailey scrunched up her face to get her bangs cut (we call it playing beauty shop). Just makes you want to squish her. She is quite happy with me doing this as long as I put the hair that has been cut in her hand as I cut it.
This would be our first sleepover with all grandmonsters in the basement together. Aubrey read Hayden & Bailey a story before bedtime. Then they all curled up for the night. After everyone was asleep, Andie managed to get a rare picture of them all out at one time.

It was a great time together and I truly appreciate Andie getting pictures taken when I didn't have my camera.

Now, I've pondered about posting this picture. I really would never want to offend someone with a post on this Blog and one never knows who will read this and then share it with someone else. So, I preface this picture with a statment that this is fact and not intended to offend the people who made this poster...whoever they are.

When Nissa, Andie and I drove into Georgetown Saturday afternoon to visit with Mimi, I heard Andie say as I was driving, "Look at that sign. I must get a picture." Fortunately there was a stop light and she was able to retrieve her camera and take a picture as I drove past for us to show our guys when we got home. I close this post with this picture of a poster board sign made for a yard sale. You read it and form your own opinion.

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