Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Happiness...On Many Levels...

I've pondered whether to include this story from my life. I did not want to sound boastful. I wanted to record the happiness it brought. With that preface, I'll share my story.

A friend and I visit several sisters in our congregation each month. About half way through January we had not visited any of our sisters. Through a telephone conversation we realized we were both just not in a position to make these visits in January. I had been caring for my father and then had 2 trips out-of-town during the remainder of the month. She had a daughter who went in for elective surgery and it went very wrong. Her daughter had become septic requiring three more surgeries and was still in Intensive Care.

We determined I would make contact via mail for the month of January and we would do better in February at visiting these dear ladies in their homes.

Fast forward through January and into February. We returned from our cruise and have had a week getting over colds and other illness and getting back into the groove of daily life.

I received a phone call Monday from our Compassionate Service Leader at Church. Her requested was for me to provide dinner for my friends son-in-law and granddaughter. I was happy to help and asked if I could cover the Wednesday meal as I would be in Georgetown that afternoon for sure. It also allowed me time to feel better before providing this service.

Now there have been meals taken to this young father for a month, I was stumped as to what to prepare. I first tried to think of what a 3 year old might like to eat. Then I tried to think of something I could make for Claude and me and just make extra for father and daughter. None of these ideas seemed to be right.

Then I felt a strong prompting to get a gift card to a restaurant so he could take his daughter to a place they liked for dinner. This felt right. I thought on it through Tuesday.

This morning I called the father. He doesn't know me from Adam. I explained who I was and that it would be my privilege to provide a meal for him and his little one tonight. I then asked if he had a car. He said, "Yes." I then asked what his favorite restaurant in Georgetown was. He said, "Golden Corral!" He said it with such enthusiasm I felt like we were on a good path.  Then I proposed to him what I was prompted to offer.

I told him I would be going to visit my mother and father this afternoon. I wanted to go to Golden Corral first and get a gift card adequate for them to have a nice dinner together. He couldn't have said yes with more joy in his voice.

My hope is to remember that happiness and pure joy in his voice. He said he would love for that to happen. He commented on how long they had been in their apartment and what fun it would be to get out a bit. I said a silent prayer of thanks for that bit of inspiration.

I headed into Georgetown this afternoon and picked up a gift card that more than covered his dining needs. As I drove to his apartment, I called as he wanted to come down to my car and get the gift card. When he answered he stated he wasn't sure if this would work. He realized he had no gas in his car and couldn't drive them to Golden Corral. I assured him not to worry about that.

When I got to his apartment, this gentle man was standing in the cold waiting. I previously pulled out a little gas money and had it with the gift card. The grin on his face went from ear to ear. He was so grateful. He said he was headed right back upstairs to get his little one ready to go.

I have felt happy all day.

First, because I wanted to help in the right way and an answer was given to me in a prompting. That feels so good when it happens in my life and I respond.

Second, hearing and then seeing the joy in this father's voice and face couldn't do anything but bring happiness. His dear wife has been in a hospital for a month and a lot of that time in critical condition. Her outcome still unsure. He has no job and a little daughter to care for. For a month, people he doesn't know have provided one good meal a day for them. He is so grateful for that help. But today, he got to take his little one out on a daddy-daughter date. Such happiness.

Third, learning again the lesson of service and the happiness it brings to the giver and the receiver. His gracious acceptance of my little offer of help. Being in a position to provide a little bit of help. That is a beautiful experience. It always brings happiness.

I believe we have a loving Heavenly Father who cares for each of us. I also believe that help often comes through our hands providing his service.
Today, I'm grateful for being given that opportunity to serve another and for the inspiration that made it particularly tender. Today is a good day.

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