Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sleepover #2...

We met Andie in Shelbyville to exchange kids. She took Bailey and we took Hayden.

Hayden was so cute. He got out of his car seat and snuck around their van and burst out to the side we were parked on. He was wearing round glasses and carrying a wand. He was like a blond Harry Potter. I had no camera out and totally missed that shot. I'll regret that for a long time but the mental image is there of a huge grinning blond Hayden Potter.

Bailey was all buckled in and started to cry. We asked her what she needed and she said she wanted a Hayden hug. Hayden hurried back in the van and gave Bailey a huge hug and a big kiss. She only cried the more. Then she said she wanted a soft kiss and hug. Back Hayden ran and gave her the most gentle kiss and hug. She was happy and we all parted ways, Andie and Bailey back to LaGrange, Claude, Hayden and me back to Sadieville.

Hayden wolfed down the snack bag I had in the car and was still very hungry. We stopped in Frankfort and found a McDonald's drive-thru to get him a Happy Meal. He wolfed that one down as well. This boy is getting a real appetite.

Hayden and I have a reading adventure going on. He and Andie have been reading the Harry Potter series. After they read a book they watch the movie. After they finish a book they loan it to me. When I finish reading it I get to watch the movie with Hayden. I finished the 6th book so our movie before bedtime for Hayden was Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. It was a good movie and totally fun to enjoy with Hayden.

While setting up to watch the movice, Hayden was wearing stripped pajamas. I asked Hayden if he would like a stripped blanket and commented on all the stripes. Hayden simply said, "That's a 'striperific' idea!!"

Hayden brought me book 7, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. We read one chapter on the drive back to Sadieville. Then before Hayden went to bed we read another chapter. Our little man chose to sleep in the guest room bed. It is queen sized and he looked really swallowed up in that big bed covered in all the blankets I had in the room. He went right to sleep and I didn't hear a peep out of him until 7:15 the next morning.

For breakfast we had his favorite at our house, cinnamon rolls and bacon.

I pulled out the little Legos set I purchased for him. It was a 3 in 1 set. It made a helicopter, a fire truck and a car. Hayden said it looked like a GPS car. My goodness my world is changing.
Hayden came with his snorkling gear to play in the big tub. At one point he asked me if I would bring him the dolphin and turtle. I headed to the basement and brought up the blow-up things for the wading pool. Hayden played with them for a long time before he told me that he was talking about the little toys that you squeeze and fill with water then squirt it out of the hole in the top. I chuckled because we had inadvertently stumbled on a great way to enjoy the big tub. I went and got the other bathtub toys from the tub Bailey played in the day before. Hayden played long enough for me to read two more chapters in the Harry Potter book.
Eventually it was time to head back to LaGrange. This time we were going all the way to Hayden's home. That is about a 90 minute drive. Hayden faired well until we got to Shelbyville. That left about 30 minutes to his home and he needed something to fill that time. I pulled out a tiny ball of leftover yarn from the travel bag I packed. For that last 30 minutes we strung yarn from one side of the back seat to the other and created a pully kind of thing to move my sun glass from one side to the other and up and down into my hand. It was great fun. When we got to the Marx home Hayden ran in and got Andie and Michael to come and see his creation. Michael was just shaking his head as he walked away. I wonder if he felt I created a monster by letting Hayden play with yarn in the back seat. You know, one of those things that grandparents do that comes back to haunt the parents later on. If so, I could have been successful again!!
Now both Marx kids were home. Claude and I had a wonderful time with these youngest grandmonsters. Now it was time to point that red Buick back toward Sadieville. But we made a quick stop in Frankfort again for dinner at Cattleman's.

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