Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Notes About Daily Life...

Monday, May 20th I spent my morning cleaning rails. We have white railing along the upper deck in the back of our home and along the front porch. The best time to do this cleaning is the early morning when there is still dew on everything. After a full morning, all was spiffy clean.

Tuesday, May 21st, was Election Day. Well, for the Primary elections. I went to vote in the afternoon just before going to sit with Papa. Claude voted earlier in the day and then went to our Church. It is now a polling place and they want someone from the congregation there at all times during the day. He spent several hours there. I must say I am NOT looking forward to the next whatever amount of time before elections. Donald Trump is our President and his constant rude comments and rude tweets drive me nuts. Totally unbecoming a President of the United States. Our current Governor, Matt Bevin, is of the same ilk! They both do some good things but their rudeness overshadows this. In addition, the Kentucky Attorney General, Andy Beshear,  is going to be the Democrat running for Governor. His father was Governor prior to Matt Bevin. To say that Matt Bevin and Andy Beshear don't get along is to try and mix oil and water. Impossible. This will be a very contentious election year with very negative politicking. Do not look forward at all to that spilling over into all of life. Our son, Jake, has stopped using his Facebook for a while because it begins already. To which I said, "Bravo!!"

We also got these pictures of our little Emelia at three weeks of age. From the pictures you would think our little lump of love is plumping up a bit. She actually lost a lot of weight right after birth and is not gaining it back a quickly as they think she should. That head of hair amazes me.
Wednesday, May 22nd, Claude and I attended our Adult Religion class in the morning. Then I took Papa for a car ride in the afternoon.

Thursday, May 23rd was a full day. First the humor. Katelyn posted this on Facebook: "Further proof Rae looks like Drew but acts lie me...She has a to do list and is going around the house checking things off the list." A little one after my own heart!

Our goal Thursday was to get to the temple in the evening. I visited Papa in the morning. Then Claude and I left for the temple. I had a blouse I had shortened the straps on for Andie. We were going to leave it at her home on our way to the temple, she would try it on when she got home and, if it didn't fit right, we would stop back by on the way home from the temple and pick it up to make further adjustments. It poured rain on us all the way to Andie's home. We got the shirt dropped off and headed the 8 mile drive to the temple. We were caught in a traffic jam on Hwy. 146 going into Crestwood. It was close to quiting time for working people so this didn't surprise us and we had time to be slowed down a bit. We had to pull over at one point for a policeman to get by with his sirens going. Turns out a little way in front of us a car had driven right under the back of a school bus. We made it to the temple and enjoyed a wonderful, spiritually-uplifting time there. Then it was back out on the roads. I sent Andie a text as I didn't have any message from her. Seems she and Hayden were at the Crestwood Cemetery where Hayden's scout troop was doing a flag ceremony. Hayden is on the right.
When she got home she tried on the blouse and it fit perfectly. Yippee!!

Claude and I stopped for dinner at Arby's on the way home. We wanted to have dinner before going to the temple but the timing just didn't work and the rain caused slow traffic. So, Arby's on the way home was a delight. When we left Arby's we knew we were heading into more rain. It had to be the most awful drive going back to Sadieville ever. And I have driven in some bad rain between Crestwood and Sadieville. I sent a text to Andie telling her, "If hell were rain, we are in it!!" Claude and I were both so very happy to get back to our home in Sadieville where we don't care how much it rains outside.

Friday, May 24th, Katelyn took Emelia to the doctor. They had some family visit and two of them were just getting over bronchitis. Friday morning Emelia woke with a bad cough. Hence, Katelyn taking her to the doctor. It was fortuitous. The doctor heard a heart murmur while checking Emelia. They ran several tests and determined she needed to see a specialist at the Children's Hospital in Grand Rapids. An appointment was set for Tuesday. 

Sunday, May 26th, Claude and I visited Pioneer Ward. He gave a brief presentation on the growth and additional resources now a part of the Self-Reliance Initiative. We went back to Georgetown and had some time for a biscuit for breakfast at Bojangles. They do have yummy biscuits. Then it was off to Georgetown Ward so I could play the organ for Sacrament Meeting. This was a good Sunday. The Alexander family were the speakers. They are moving to Frankfort soon. Excellent program. I went to visit with Papa for the afternoon and Claude headed home. We would return to Georgetown in the evening for Personal Finance Self-Reliance Group Claude is facilitating. 

Monday, May 27th was Memorial Day. We started our day with a 5K Walk along part of Legacy Trail in Lexington. This walk was prepared by the Lexington North Stake. We found another turtle!! And, we tried our Out of Africa hats again. This time we ate at Firehouse Subs after. This probably negates all that good exercise but it is what we do.
While we were doing this, Hayden was participating in the Color Guard for the LaGrange Memorial Day festivities.
Katelyn posted a picture of a tradition they started regarding Memorial Day. They go to the drive-in the night before as a family. I love that they are forming traditions for their family. Traditions can really bind a family together. This is a good one. Remember taking our kids to the drive-in in Colorado. We would drive through McDonald's or Burger King and get a bag of burgers and some fries. Off to the drive in with our three little ones lined up in a row on the bed built into the back of the truck with their little heads peeking through the boot of the truck into the front seat. They would eat and eventually fall asleep on the bed. Good times and a memory all of our kids love. 
Tuesday, May 28th, Papa and I were out for another drive through the country. 

Katelyn called to tell me about Emelia's appointment in Grand Haven. They said she has two little holes in the walls of her heart. They believe her heart was not fully developed at birth. They had lots of pictures and data and will have her back in a month to take more pictures and data and see if she is improving. They do not believe at this time it will affect her ability to be a normal little kids. Happy they are watching our bundle of joy.

That evening I facilitated the final class for the Self-Reliance Finance Group and Elizabeth's Village. It seemed to go by so quickly but it really took 13 weeks. For the final class, I took pizza and we had dinner together. Then we held a little class and reviewed all we learned. The ladies each shared something they took away from the classes. Then I purchased a special cake from Walmart for the occasion and we enjoyed cake together. We had 6 of the 7 complete the course. I took these pictures of that final evening. One was missing as she had a death in her family that day.
This day I also finished the Christmas stocking for Emelia. Learned to make these stockings years ago when we lived in Denver. Made enough of them then to pay for gas for a trip to Louisiana for Christmas. Now I just make one for family members. 
Wednesday, May 29th, we attended our final Adult Religion class. These have been so good and Claude and I have really enjoyed them. We all agreed to start again in the fall but take the summer off. Too many things interfere with the summer.

After spending the afternoon visiting Papa, Claude and I headed to LaGrange again. In the rain...again. The purpose of this visit was Hayden's 8th Grade Promotion from Oldham County Middle School to Oldham County High School. It was held in the OCHS gym. Very nice program. Kept to a nice time frame. Michael's step-mom, Joyce, flew in. I have family pictures in here of the Marx family (Andie, Hayden, Michael and Bailey), Joyce with Hayden and then me and Claude with Hayden. It was a nice evening and, after dinner at Diary Queen,...we drove home in the rain!
Thursday, May 30th, I enjoyed a getting a haircut at Tyra's Main Street Retreat. 

Katelyn posted pictures of Raelyn announcing Emelia's one month birthday. 
That evening Claude and I enjoyed a game at Whitaker Bank Ballpark watching the Lexington Legends play someone. We really go for the food as evidenced by this picture. We got to our seats with dinner in hand and looked to our left to find Jeremy Coyne with his twins, Eli and Max. It seems they received gifts of doing things for their birthday. One of their gifts was a night at the ballpark with their dad. I truly believe this is a great way to gift for birthdays. 
It turned out to be another Bark in the Park night (which we said we would never do again!). This was much more subdued than the one in Florence. The highlight for me was the dog that was trained to fetch the bats after a batter finished. Fun to watch that dog happily retrieve the bat and return. 

That catches me up on my daily life for a bit. One more post but that will have to be done after I take Papa for his drive.

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