Thursday, June 9, 2011


A few weeks ago I was teaching the Gospel Doctrine class at Church. I asked a question and someone raised their hand to answer. Katelyn was with us and it was her. I was so happy and told everyone, "That is my oldest Grandmonster."

After teaching that Sunday, Kathy Alexander in our ward came up to me and said, "I have to give you something. It is so great that today you actually said the word you call your grandchildren 'Grandmonsters'." Then Kathy pulled out a big bag.

Kathy had been shopping at Kirtland's and found something on a sale table and immediately thought of me. She said she had to get it and so the purchase was made and she brought it to me that Sunday. Here is my gift from Kathy...
Is that cool or what???  A picture frame that says 'Grandmonsters'.  I have never heard anyone else call their grandkids 'grandmonsters'. I have even been chided for using that term. I continue on because it is said with tons and tons of love and I know my grandmonsters know that.

I've got a picture of Nissa's kids in the top left corner and a picture of Andie's kids in the top right corner. The bottom right has a picture of all the grandmonsters at the last camp Christensen.

I struggled with what to put in the bottom left frame. After 24 hours I realized I wanted a picture that was about family somehow but not one of the kids. We just made a trip to Utah and I took lots of pictures of the ranch Claude grew up on. I decided that I would pick one of them to represent where our roots are and where all this grandmonstering really began years ago. So the bottom left picture is a scene from the ranch in Utah. Claude and I were married in Utah, Katelyn was born in Utah, that soil means a lot to all of my kids so it is just the right thing for the 4th picture.

There you have it. Thank you Kathy for such a neat gift. Now we'll hang it in our home and enjoy it through the years.

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