Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ward Hall...

Yesterday was the December meeting of the Countryside Homemakers Club. We try to do something a little different and special for our December meeting. This year we went to Ward Hall and then to lunch at Wilshires.

Ward Hall is in Georgetown and was commissioned to be built about 1857 by Junius Ward. It was built at a cost of $50,000 in gold. It is a Greek Revival Villa. It served as a summer residence and working farm for the Hall's.
Ward Hall is now in the care of the Ward Hall Preservation Foundation. There is a $5 fee to tour. These funds are used to continue the day-to-day operation of this beautiful old mansion.

There are two stories and a basement in this home.  Connie Minch was our tour guide. We were allowed access to the entire mansion from the basement to the attic. There is a beautiful circular staircase from the main level to the attic and another set of stairs for the servants to use from the main level to the attic and from the main level to the basement.

The home was has 'built-in' closets and bookshelves, unusual for that time period. There was even a water chest in the back hall at ceiling level so there could be some water stored inside the home.

Here are a few pictures of the Main Level.
We walked up the spiral staircase to the second story where the bedrooms were located.
We would continue up the spiral stairs to the attic.
Then we would go back down to the main level and take the servants stairs to the basement level. This is where the work of the home was done. The kitchen is below the main dining room and had a dumb waiter (I know, I know, I have lots of quick jokes for that one!!) between the main level and the basement kitchen. I loved the wide hallways and especially the basement hallway with its brick flooring.
This was a perfectly delightful tour. Connie answered any questions and provided us with great access. It was just our group and we moved at our own pace.
It reminded me of being in Newport, Rhode Island and touring the Breakers. Once again, a summer home...really!!

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