Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Lost Children...

This week has brought tender feelings to the fore is a big way.

When Primary President, my secretary was Jamie Lott. She has a daughter named Madasyn Bonk who was very happy to give and help anyone. She cared for children and mowed lawns for others. Always willing to help. She was home schooled. There was an older sister who loves her dearly and younger siblings as well. In fact, Jamie had a baby a year ago today that was the joy of the entire family. All seemed fine.

Then, Sunday evening, I checked Facebook and found where her sister posted that Madasyn was missing and had not been heard from for hours. By this time it was about 18 hours. I was stunned. At first I just thought it was a mistake or one of those Facebook joke things going around. Although I didn't see anything funny about it in the least. 

I scrolled on through and, sure enough, Jamie also posted that Madasyn was missing and requested prayers and people to look out for her.

Later it was posted that they were able to get information that Maddy may have cut her hair and might be trying to use another name. They thought she was on foot and headed to Ohio. She has family in Michigan so that might be her destination.

I created a Facebook post to alert any I knew to look for Maddy and posted her picture.

Monday evening, Jamie posted on Facebook that they had a call from Maddy and were on their way to pick her up. Jamie later posted a Thank You to everyone for their faith and prayers and all the other help they had been given. She then stated that the Lord's hand was in her safe return. A woman saw Maddy and sat beside her. She could tell things were not right and simply asked Maddy if she would like to use her cell phone to call someone. Maddy then used this kind lady's cell phone to call her mother. Answer to prayers and faith...I am sure of it too.

This was very poignant to me. My grandson decided to leave home. He is such a good young man. His heart is good and he is very loving. But he has issues that need to be addressed and needs to accept that and work with those who can and would help him. 

He left behind his Mom, our daughter, with a broken heart and an ache that is very hard to mend. She loves him and is so very concerned for him. I know how I feel as his Grandmother and know that feeling would have to be magnified a hundred-fold for the mother that carried him and loved him for all those 18 years and tried everything she could to help him find his footing in life. 

I know where Paul is. I can communicate with him still through Facebook. But the ache is real. The concern is very real. The love doesn't stop no matter what happens. 

So the experience with Maddy was bitter in bringing reality to our situation. But it was sweet in reminding me that faith, prayers, love and a caring Savior and Heavenly Father watches over each of us individually. Knows our needs and cares for us. My prayers for Paul will continue daily. In time, this will be right. Faith moves forward.

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