Friday, October 9, 2015

Running with Buddy Bear...

We got home on Monday. Friday I left for LaGrange at O dark 30 to do what Gramma's do. Watch the grandmonsters in their school activities. This was Buckner's Buddy Bear Run. Since Hayden is in fifth grade and we have complete confidence he will pass to sixth grade, we knew this would be his last Buddy Bear Run at Buckner Elementary. A milestone for sure.

All the other years, the kids have run in fields around the elementary school. In Oldham County, the High School, the Middle School and the Elementary School are all right by each other.  This year they determined the run would take place on the track around the high school football field. This necessitated the kids walking from the Elementary School, through a path in the woods, and then up a hill to the end of the football field. The kids are all given T-shirts alike. As they made a complete run around the entire track, they pause and have someone make a hash mark on the back of their T-shirt. When the run is complete, they know how many laps each child made by counting the hash marks on the back of their T-shirts. It was determined, due to the hike over and back to the Elementary School, that each child be given two hash marks for this long walk. 

Hayden's class ran first.

You gotta love that grin underneath trying to be cool as he warms up.
I love to watch this kid run. He was ready to go as soon as they would start the run. 
He is getting his hash mark for his turn around the football field. 
Here goes our runner!! 
Michael took the day off of his paying job to help with the Buddy Bear Run. Since it was done on the High School track, he was free to run with each of his kids. Way cool that he got to do that with Hayden on his last Buddy Bear Run. They do run well together and have done a couple of 5K runs together. 
After several laps, the walked for a bit. I love this picture of Michael's grin with his son as they cool down a little.  
Hayden's hash marks at the end of the race.
Okay, the kid may have been tired. But when they called his class to get their popsicles to rehydrate, it appeared he had a little more steam in him. 
This is Hayden talking with his teacher. Her name is Ms. Ruhl. Remember that for later. She is actually the daughter of someone who taught him several years ago.  
Class Picture. Hayden in kneeling on the right end with his hand on his chin. Quite the pose!! 
I told Hayden I would try to get to his class to be with him a lunch but could make no promises as I needed to watch all of Bailey running. He understood and knew I would pick him up at Bear Care after school was over. 

Then I positioned myself on the bleachers for when Bailey's class came.  I had about 20 minutes to sit and do Sudoku and enjoy the fresh air.

Then...the 2nd and 3rd graders came up the hill. This was the greeting that melts my heart!
This is Miss Bailey as her class prepares for their class picture. Bailey's teacher is Ms. Law. Andie realized as she was telling what I needed to be ready for this day who the kids teachers were. That is when she realized they were taught by 'Ms. Ruhl' and 'Ms. Law'.  Very cute, very cute.
Her she is expending energy needed to run before the run with a friend. Actually, she has enough energy for 20 people so this little bit wouldn't hurt her. I'm just old enough till I know it would have hurt me. This is a really girly picture to me. 
Michael in the middle of the field with two other ladies helping the kids do their warm-ups prior to their run. There was a man in the booth over the field calling out the instructions. 
Bailey is supposed to be warming-up. She just kept telling the other kids, "That's my dad. That's my dad." 
Bailey getting her tally mark for completing a lap.
Bailey and Michael running together. It was cute to watch the difference in how the kids ran. Hayden stayed with Michael and matched him step for step. Bailey ran with Michael, then saw someone she needed to say something to and dashed off, then returned. At one point Michael noticed her shoe lace was coming loose and he stopped and knelt down and made sure it was tied securely. The entire time Bailey was watching for friends and people to say hi to or encourage. Such fun to observe their personalities and Michael responding accordingly.
Michael watching Bailey get another tally mark.
I asked Bailey for her best 'racing girl pose'. This is it!! Water bottle in hand.
Bailey's tally marks.
Someone put up this cute sign so I asked Bailey if we could take a picture. Sure!!
I walked back to the school with Bailey. She showed me where Hayden's room was. There was no one there. I found him in the lunchroom and stayed with him while he ate lunch. Then I went to Bailey's room and stayed with her while she ate lunch. After a brief rest at the Marx home, I went back to the school and picked up the kids from Bear Care.

It was great to be able to watch Hayden's last Buckner Bear Run. I was really happy Michael was able to run with each of the kids for almost all of their runs. Neat memories built for the kids and their dad.

Friday night Hayden and I would go to McDonald's and pick up dinner for the Mini's, Andie and me.  

Friday night we had the 'molting' experience scare. The Mini's each have a hermit crab. They are to spray them with water every evening. Bailey went in to spray hers and called out and we knew something was not right. Andie went to check and she called out. Hmmmm... It seems this was the first time they had observed the molting process. Bailey's crabs exterior shell on it's legs was hanging onto the edge of the shell. It was determined that the crab was still in the shell. Andie told the Mini's to leave the crabs for a bit and she went to Google and learn what to expect and what to do. Instructions were found and given to the Mini'. Love the look of horror on Bailey's face as they learn about the molting process. This in contrast to the look of intense interest in Hayden's face. Andie is just, "Oh my heavens what have we gotten ourselves into this time?"

Saturday I stayed for the day as Andie and Michael had a date in Louisville and I was the designated baby-sitter. In the morning Andie was making Pumpkin Pancakes. This is fall and Andie is into everything pumpkin. She is totally embracing the season. As she cracked open and egg, it was really one that should never have been cracked. She emptied it into the sink and turned on the water and the garbage disposal. However, the smell started to wind it's way to the family room and all of us started to gag. These things happen. Andie went to the fridge and found a lemon. She cut that in half and down the garbage disposal it went. Fortunately that was the last of the strange and unpleasant sights or smells we would have during this visit.

During the afternoon we ran some errands with the Mini's. Their hermit crab needed a bigger shell to grow into during this molting process. We visited a party store to check-out Halloween costumes. Then we visited the pet store. Then to Half Price Books where I purchased everyone a new book. Then to Target to look at their Halloween costumes. 

While we were heading home, Bailey was saying something about wanting to be like Hayden. Then Andie's heart melted as she listened to the life lessons being discussed by her little ones in the seats behind us in the van. It went something like this:

Hayden:  Bailey, you don't have to be exactly like me. Everyone is different and that is okay. You can do and be your own person. 

Bailey:  But Hayden, I want to be like you, you have such a good life and I want my life to be just as good a yours. I want to be like you.

Oh my goodness. Such sweetness from two very energetic siblings. Those are the moments a parents remembers when things are not going so smoothly. Reminds you that at their core, they do love and care for each other. It also reminds you they really are learning the things you are trying to teach. They will support each other.

Andie and Michael had a great date. The Mini's and I dined on Dairy Queen fare that Hayden and I brought home. We watched a movie together and snuggled. Then they very easily went to bed for me and I was able to work on the pictures from the Buckner Bear Run until Michael and Andie came home.

I left very early Sunday morning to get back to Georgetown because Claude was speaking in Church. Before I left I tiptoed into each of the Mini's rooms and gave them a kiss and told them good-bye. They each woke up enough to know it was me and respond. Then snuggled back down in their bed to go to sleep.

Such a fun two days and much need Gramma time!

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