Friday, April 29, 2011

So Sadieville...

I'm behind...again!!!  Let me being with Monday, April 18th.

Claude determined some time back that he wanted our elected officials to come to Sadieville for lunch and a tour. Monday, April 18th was the date everyone agreed on. 

Claude had his dental appointment in the morning for his cleaning. When he returned home he was carrying a picture in his hand of his mouth. I did not take that as a good sign at all. We had no time to discuss it because our guests would arrive soon.

Kentucky State Senator Damon Thayer, Kentucky State Representative Ryan Quarles and Scott County Magistrate Stewart Hughes arrived.

The lunch I prepared was chicken salad on croissant, fruit salad, veggies and dip and chocolate cake for dessert. We served it buffet style off the island in the kitchen.

Everyone  was so relaxed. We had a lovely visit while we ate. The guys were very comfortable going back to the island for seconds. I found it very nice to have these good men in our home for a bite to eat and a bit of conversation.

When we finished lunch, Claude and the boys headed over to Sadieville. They all got in my car and he drove them around Sadieville to see the buildings we have refurbished, the historic buildings we are working on restoring, the streets that need repair, etc. Then Claude came back to the house and picked me up.

The rest of the afternoon was spent at City Hall in Sadieville. The city commission was having their monthly meeting. Since our city clerk was on vacation, I agreed to go and take the minutes for her. I typed lots of minute information on my laptop.

In the evening we caught up on poor Claude's dental cleaning visit. He had to make an appointment with an oral surgeon. That was done this week. He now is assured he has an absess and must have a root canal. Yuck!!

In the evening we left a vocal rendition of "Happy Birthday" on Jake's cell phone. This time we did a lot better than when trying to sing to other family members this year. There may be hope for us yet!!

Good, full start to the week.

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