Thursday, April 7, 2011

Under the Awning...

Yesterday was Wednesday, April 6th. I needed to be in Georgetown three different times during the day. With gas prices soaring and nearing the $4.00 per gallon mark, I really didn't want to drive into Georgetown and home three times. Added to this gasoline conservation concern was the fact that Claude had to be in Georgetown one time totally different than my three times.

After careful consideration, I determined I would carry all possibilities of things I could do between appointments and fill my day living out of the little red Buick. I got up early and prepared my bags of possibilities, literally, and loaded my car. It felt something akin to going on a short trip with luggage.

My first meeting was at Frisch's Big Boy. It was the day for my monthly Countryside Homemakers meeting. It was to have been at Anne's home here in Sadieville. She fell ill and didn't feel she could handle readying her home and preparing the main course for our little group. When these times come, we use Frisch's as our backup location.

We had a great meeting and lunch. I carried my bag of embroidery thread to this meeting. We were to have had a craft on cross-stitch and were to bring our embroidery thread. Since the meeting was in the restaurant, we didn't do the craft. Back out to the car went that bag. I do enjoy meeting with these ladies. The lessons are always about something of interest to us and I usually learn a thing or two. The conversations can be fun and entertaining. It's just nice to be out and about with other ladies.

This finished about noon and my next appointment was with Papa at the nursing home at 3:30pm. I had quite a bit of time to fill. I really needed to do some more reading and preparing for my Sunday School lesson this week. If I went to Papa's apartment it would be a might too loud to concentrate. Ah-hah...the perfect plan.

I drove to Sonic, pulled up under their awning at the farthest away and least used spot, pressed the button and ordered a large Dr. Pepper. The nice young man came to my window with my purchase. I asked him if I could sit at this location for a LONG time and study my Sunday School lesson. He assured me that would be fine and he would even bring me refills for my Dr. Pepper as I needed them. I assured him one large Dr. Pepper a day was my limit.

I rolled down my windows to let a bit of a breeze through, pushed my the drivers seat as far as it would go, pulled out my next bag with my Sunday School materials and scriptures and put them on the passenger seat.

For the next 3 hours and 15 minutes I enjoyed that nice breeze, reading my scriptures, making some notes, reading Talmage's book "Jesus the Christ" and pondering what I was reading. It was just so very pleasant that the time passed very quickly.

I had worried about how I was going to get this bit of study time. My first plan was to try the library. But I have to say that my 'Sonic Office' was even better. I still have to make a lesson plan and get my visuals together. But sitting there in the air and studying was, as Kim Mansfield used to say to us, "a slice of heaven".

The young boy came to my window two times during those 3 hours and 15 minutes to see if I wanted a refill or anything else. I assured him each time I was fine.

Thanks Sonic for being such a gracious host in my hours of need. I'll keep you in mind next time I need a quiet spot for a bit of time.

My third bag was my craft bag to take into the nursing home. I crocheted between Papa and I singing while Mimi enjoyed the straps on my purse (maybe that could be counted as another bag).

After the nursing home I gave a call to the Sadieville reporter for the Georgetown News-Graphic. She is doing a report about Sadieville's clean-up day this month and needed some information. Then I used Papa's computer to work on a possible Groupon need.

Claude picked me up at 6pm at Papa's apartment.  We left my car there and Claude took me to dinner at Ruby Tuesday's followed by a drive into Lexington to see Menopause the Musical.

It was a full day. All bags were used to some extent. Lots was accomplished and I was quite ready for a good night's rest.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted you to know that I read your entire blogs. I just started reading them one day while at work and they are so humerous, I continued. They keep me occupied during slow times at work. Keep writing. I like reading them. I have the same problem though. My computer is so slow it takes me 30 min just to write a post. It has problems and I just don't have that kind of time.
