Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sometimes...Ma's Gotta Do What Ma's Gotta Do...

When we visited the Marx home two weeks ago, I was going to cut Bailey's bangs. I thought about it on the way home and realized I did not get that done.

This coming week Bailey will begin Kindergarten. I have stewed and worried and fretted over not getting those bangs cut before Bailey heads to school all this week.

Friday morning I came up with a plan and presented it to Claude. I prefaced it by explaining my worrying over this and coming up with a possible solution. The plan was to go to the Marx home Friday afternoon and offer to watch the Mini's while Andie and Michael had a date Friday night. Then spend the night and play until lunchtime. Buy lunch for all of us and then head home. Claude liked the plan and was very understanding about all my 'Ma worrying'.

I called Andie and explained my 'Ma worrying'. Andie stated she was about to try to cut Bailey's bangs herself with the understanding she may have to still go to a shop and get them cut. I then told Andie about my plan and asked if it would fit at all with their schedule. Amazingly, it worked out well on all counts. Saturday morning was the school orientation for Hayden and Bailey. They each had different times to be there. If Claude and I were there we could watch Hayden while Andie and Michael to Bailey to her orientation and then watch Bailey while Andie and Michael to Hayden to his orientation. Then we would all have lunch as planned and Claude and I would head back to Sadieville.

Claude and I packed the few things for an overnight visit. He finished his last meeting and we were on the road by 4pm. Yeah us!!

I called Andie to let her know we were on the road. She informed me that Hayden was told he would have to have a haircut before school. He has been letting his hair grow since April. Usually he wore it in a buzz cut like his dad. He and his dad went to the barber shop together to get these haircuts. Now that it is longer he was told he could go to the barber shop or he could see if Ma (me) would cut it for him. Andie said he told her he wanted me to cut his hair. Then he added, "I won't have to go out then." Such a guy!!

Friday evening Andie left us with a tart made of fresh tomatoes & pesto in a pie shell for dinner. It was very good. The Mini's picked out the 'Cats and Dogs II' movie for us to watch with them. It was a relaxed evening.

After the movie we read the next chapter in Alice in Wonderland and then the Mini's headed to bed with the understanding that haircuts would be done first thing Saturday morning. All agreed, snuggles were given, and off to slumberland the Mini's went.

This morning (Saturday) we did get haircuts in the morning. Then Claude let Hayden have his turn at the Kindle.
We did the rotation with Bailey going to orientation first and Hayden second. Bailey wore her new backpack. Please look closely at the shoes.
During these times with each child, I learned to play the Harry Potter Lego game. It is like a board game with Lego pieces. Hayden follows the rules, Bailey pretty much makes up the rules as she goes along. She is close but she likes to improvise a bit. It is a fun game.

After Hayden's orientation was finished, we all gathered up and headed to Subway for lunch. Andie had to get back to the school to cover the remainder of the day of orientation. She is an officer in the PTA. So we picked a place to eat close to the house and the school. Amazingly it took us three cars to get there. Claude and I were driving ours because we were leaving from there to go home. Andie drove Michael's so she could go directly to the school after we ate. Michael drove the van so he had carseats for two kids.

Claude and I entered Subway first, followed by Michael with the kids and then Andie. This is a big Subway and the kids had room to twirl and stretch a bit while we were in line. At one point I looked at dear little Bailey and this is what I saw...
Please note Bailey's selection of footwear. The girl does have a flare with the wardrobe.

We headed back to Sadieville after a fun quick visit. I'm much more relaxed knowing I got Bailey's bangs cut, Hayden's hair cut and Andie's bangs cut. Aaaaahhhhh...

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