Sunday, June 11, 2017

Memorial Day Weekend...

Memorial Day crept up on us. We had no big plans. We were going to cook out and bring Papa out to eat with us. We were hoping and praying for a good day weather-wise so he could sit on the deck and enjoy the trees and birds he loves so much. Then...I had this strong impression we should see if the Marx family might like to visit. I popped Andie a text and told her our plans and assured her they were welcome to come and visit that day or maybe even come on Sunday and spend the night. Michael had soccer commitments to referee for the weekend. But Andie and the Mini's would come on Sunday and return Monday. We moved our eating time on Monday to lunch instead of dinner and eagerly awaited the visit from the Mini's and Andie.

Sunday morning I was supposed to take Papa to Church. However, he was worn out trying to get dressed so he opted to stay home. I went to Sacrament Meeting and then to his apartment to spend some time with him before going home. 

The Marx's arrived in the early evening and the Mini's, particularly Hayden, were hungry. DiGiorno's to the rescue. Then we settled in to some visit time and watching Dirty Jobs. At one point, I went through the dining room to get to the kitchen and found a Bailey nest!! She just loves finding a spot and making it her own. This time domino's made a corral for Templeton the rat. She had her iPod charging and snacks for her and Templeton in her little area. It is always fun to find where she picks and how she sets up her Bailey nest. Last time the big chair in Claude's office was it. Once it was in our bedroom closet. Just love it.
Monday, I drove into Georgetown to pick up Papa. He was in his bathroom finishing getting ready. I put his groceries away and made sure trash cans were emptied and things were as in order as I could for him. Then I waited and waited for him to come out. After about a half hour I knocked on the bathroom door and asked if he was alright. He told me he was but when he came out his appearance told a totally different story. He was pale, pale, pale and not at all steady on his feet. He held on to the walls and the furniture to get back to his chair. His clothes were not buttoned. I was very concerned. When he sat down I asked him how he was and he said he just wore out trying to get dressed. I assured him he could sit and I would sit with him for a while. I sent Claude and Andie a text and explained what I found and that I really just needed to sit with Papa for a while. Andie assured me she and the Mini's would stop and see him on their way home if he didn't come to the house. I watched Papa for a good long while and told him if he didn't feel like coming it was okay. I assured him the Marx's would stop to say hi and bring him a plate of dinner. He rested a bit and thought about it. I could tell he was perking up but still very weak. He finally said he really felt like he should stay home. When I was absolutely sure he was alright, I left and returned home without Papa. 

We had a great BBQ chicken dinner with potato salad, deviled eggs and beans prepared by Chef Claude. So very good. The Mini's were especially excited about deviled eggs. Andie gets fresh eggs from someone she knows and not from the grocery store. Sometimes they have lots and other times not so much. So she doesn't make deviled eggs a lot unless they go to the store and buy eggs. Hence, the excitement on the part of the Mini's at having deviled eggs. 

Then it was time for hair cuts. First Bailey. She is so very tender headed and Andie helped her get the tangles out after her shower. She sat very still and we got through her haircut in record time. 

Next Hayden. Oh my, I was worried. I haven't cut Hayden's hair since he was very little and getting his first hair cuts. It was when we were just figuring out there may be some issues. He hated the feel of the razor on his head. We were just buzzing it off then. Later we learned he had sensory processing disorder and that was why it was so unnerving for him. They started taking Hayden to the barber with Michael and found a way to get his hair cut that he handled better than my razor or scissors. So I haven't had this privilege for many, many years. Hayden has a head full over very thick hair like his mother. He likes to wear it a bit long. This time he wanted the sides and back very short and the top left long. Okay??? Andie had pictures and Hayden showed me the pieces of each picture he liked and we set to cutting his hair with the scissors. We ended up with a successful hair cut and no problems with him crying or being in agony. Hallelujah!!
In the late afternoon Andie and the Mini's headed back to LaGrange. They took food for Papa and stopped to see him. It was very nice having them here for a bit.

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