Saturday, August 17, 2013

I'm Going to Rant...

Just look at this...
This is the second proposed redistricting map by the House Democrats in Kentucky. It appeared in our Georgetown News-Graphic. We live in Scott County. Look at the mess this makes for any Congressman trying to cover a manageable portion of the state.

I went upstairs a bit ago and found my dear hubby on the phone with Ryan Quarles. Ryan is our State Representative. If you know the story of Anne of Green Gables, you know that she had people in her life she called 'kindred spirits'. From the first moment I met Ryan, I felt he was a 'kindred spirit'. He is good to the core. He loves family. He is honest and fair.  He is young, well trained and educated, hard working on their family farm, and ready to serve. I was so very happy when he was elected.

When Claude got off the phone, he went out and got the mail and our paper was in it.  Inside was this lovely map. Claude showed it to me and I could not believe my eyes. 

know there are rules to follow with redistricting that include population and party. But really!!!  This proposed redistricting will take our largest community, Georgetown, and split it between three congressional districts. Really?? I could understand this if Georgetown were a huge city but it is not large enough to be split between three congressional districts. I'm not trying to harp on Republican or Democrat. I am a registered Republican. But I just think somewhere along the line we have gone way off the deep end here. 

If you just think of the need to have a congressman being able to represent an area of people well then this kind of realignment does not accomplish that in any way at all.  It will not just pit two parties against each other, it has the potential to pit three congressman against each other.

Bottom I am verklempt. Look at that map and just tell me any logic you see in cutting those squiggly little portions down through the middle of a county and dividing its largest city into three districts. I don't care who you are or what your political leanings are this map does not make common sense.

There. I've stated my frustration and will not get back to my Primary program and getting my things ready for Church on Sunday. Hope I can get my verklempt self into a better frame of mind. Geez!!     

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