Thursday, August 1, 2013

July Odds & Ends...

A few random items I would like to remember from July 2013...

It seems there are so many things to post to now that it is just easier to do the Facebook or Text post instead of the time it takes to do a Blog post. However, if I don't get it to the Blog it doesn't become part of my saved history for my kids. Therefore, I'm going to try copying and pasting the Facebook or Text post with its accompanying picture in the future just to make this process easier. Now...if Blogger would fix the glitches in their software it would make the blogging process go a LOT quicker. Just sayin'.

We took responsibility for Tiny while Papa was gone between Saturday, June 29th through Sunday, July 7th. She did fine.

I started a deep-cleaning process in Papa's apartment before he left. I cleaned the tops of surfaces before he left so he could help me know what some things were and if they could be saved or thrown. This was done Thursday, June 27th and Friday, June 28th. Monday, July 1st through Wednesday, July 3rd my days were spent cleaning and scouring and tossing and sorting in Papa's apartment. I then took Thursday and Friday off from that chore.

Saturday, July 6th Claude and I had tickets to see the Eagles at the Yum Center in Louisville. We received this picture from the Marx family as they toured Washington, DC.  It is Bailey astride a huge eagle. The concert was the best ever and the picture was a fun acknowledgement from traveling children of their parents adventure.

Tuesday, July 9th Claude went to the deck to check his tomato crop. This was the first yield of his 2013 crop.
Facebook Post:  July 14th – The Big Guy strolled outside to check on his tomatoes. He came back in to my sewing room where I am knee deep in Primary stuff. He quietly said, "Try to control yourself. There us a turtle that has taken up residence on your patio." My turtle lovin' heart did a leap, I grabbed my cell phone camera and here is the cutie I found behind a chair. I'm a happy lady and take this as a good sign.
We have a chair we love in our living room. It is a big overstuffed rocking chair. The fabric is worn completely out on the arms. I have a friend in my Countryside Homemakers Club that gave me the name of someone she could recommend to reupholster this chair. I called her and she said she was booked until December 1st. I told her we would wait until them to have someone recommended to us and local to reupholster our chair. She asked for a picture so she could give me a quote. I sent her this picture. She told me we needed 10 yards of upholstery fabric. The next time Claude and I were in Lexington together we hit three fabric stores. Claude needs to be recognized for doing this without whining. Not his favorite thing. But I really wanted us both to like the fabric. Could have done it by myself. But it was so much nicer when we found the fabric we both liked and then drove to the third store where they had enough of it on one bolt. The second picture is of the new fabric. Now we just need to be patient until December.
Our son, Jake, is a talented writer. This post and the haiku that follow are about this talent.
         Facebook Post:  July 21st – Proud Mom Moment...I've never asked this but this time I will. My son has written a Haiku and submitted it to a contest with the potential of it being included on a NASA spacecraft that is being sent to Mars. He needs votes for his Haiku as the determination is by popular vote. You simply click on the link; click on +1 where you vote; you will then be shown one of those words to type in to verify you are a single vote entry. Very simple and it would be amazing to have Jake's poetry on its way to Mars. 
Lone wispy devil,
Spinning past the Valles rim,
May I have this dance?
Miss Bailey got a new swim suit. This was the eMail correspondence and picture between Andie and me regarding this cute new swimsuit on July 21, 2013. 
Andie to Sandi:  Look at her new suit. Its so tacky. Perfect for a girl with a fish named Diamond.
Sandi to Andie:  I bet she loves this swimming suit. So much fun. And, it accents her 'yong yegs' perfectly. 
Tuesday, July 23rd, Neffie (my little sister) and her husband, Mike, arrived for a visit. I was in Georgetown that Tuesday morning to take Papa grocery shopping in preparation to leave him for a week long trip Claude and I were taking. Remember, he doesn't have a car now. I brought Papa and Tiny home with me and we found Neffie and Mike had arrived just before we got there. We had a nice visit that evening.
Wednesday, July 24th, we went in to visit Papa and take him to lunch at the Mexican restaurant. Then we brought him and Tiny home for the rest of the day. That evening I fixed one of Papa's favorite desserts for dinner.
Facebook Post:  July 24th - Papa should be happy tonight. Banana Pudding from Mimi's recipe in Mimi's dish. Thanks Katelyn Squires for posting a recipe that inspired me to make this.
When Bailey had her sleepover in June, she planted flowers in the planters on the patio. I took this photo on July 24th of Bailey's first flower.
There...that feels better...a few odds and ends that happened in July. 

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