Friday, December 27, 2013

It's a Wrap...

And this is how our Christmas progressed...

Sunday, December 22nd, after communicating with Andie, we learned that Bailey was hurling. Not just once but numerous times.  She perked up a bit and then started again.  Monday Andie told me she was still hurling but during the day she quit and seemed to be rallying quite well.

Monday, December 23rd, Jake left Chelsea to come to Sadieville after work. We anticipated him between 10 and 11pm depending on when he actually left work.  Jake arrived in fine shape around midnight.  We visited for a bit and all headed to bed by 1am. At 3am I was still awake. Geez!!  This was to be my best chance for sleep with family coming.

Tuesday, December 24th, Christmas Eve, we had agreed Jake, Claude and I would sleep in until our bodies were ready to wake up.  I was still up before the boys.  Really wanted to sleep later than that but such is life. After we all were up, dressed and ready for our day, we drove to Waffle House for breakfast together.  It was the perfect start for our day.

When we got back home I had a text from Andie, Hayden had been throwing up since 7:30am, multiple time just like Bailey.  She and Michael would take him to an Urgent Treatment Center in Louisville where he would be diagnosed with strep. Prescriptions would be given for that and nausea. The Marx family was supposed to come to Sadieville for Christmas that afternoon. Now we weren't sure what to do. I assured Andie if they needed to stay home, we would work something out with bringing food and presents on Christmas. We had planned to have our big Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. Hmmm...

I went into Georgetown in the afternoon and picked up Papa and Tiny.  Jake went with me. We got back to Sadieville and I prepared our big dinner.  Claude, Papa, Jake and I sat down to the breakfast table to enjoy our nice Christmas dinner.  It was good.  I heard from Andie.  Hayden stopped the hurling immediately after getting the anti-nausea meds. He was rallying.  They were leaving their home and would head to Sadieville hungry and ready for Christmas.  Papa was about worn out. I asked Claude to make more au gratin potatoes and I took Papa back to Georgetown. When I returned the Marx family was here and the Mini's waited to eat until I got home and could sit with them. So sweet.

Bailey brought out her new glasses and Andie took a picture of us as twins in our glasses. 
The Mini's very cleverly asked me if they had a present to open like the pillows from last year.  Children have VERY long memories.  Last year we had all the grandmonsters here except Katelyn. I made a pillow case for each of them out of a fabric that was like them or something they loved. We bought them each a new pillow to go with their pillow cases.  They opened these on Christmas Eve.  I had not planned to do that this year.  However, I assured the kids I was weak and would let them open one present. This year I purchased fleece fabric for each grandmonster in a fabrice that was like them or something they loved.  I hemmed the edges of each.  Hayden and Bailey opened theirs and were very happy to have these warm blankets to sleep in that night.
Sandwich hugs were given with Hayden between Bailey and Claude and it was time for the Mini's to head to bed. The adults stayed up a bit longer and then we headed to bed as well.
December 25th, Christmas morning, I set my alarm for 6am.  I had to get Papa and have him out before the Mini's were awake and ready to open presents.  They had been told by their mom that they were to stay in the basement Christmas morning until all the adults were ready. We provided bowls and cereal for them to have a treat.  The kids tree had not been decorated due to the late arrival. They would be able to do that while the adults got ready upstairs.  I got home with Papa and Tiny and they were eagerly awake and ready to enjoy Christmas with the family.
Michael came upstairs before his family. He had a Christmas surprise for his wife.
The Mini's were happy with this surprise as well.
Christmas presents were opened starting with stockings. I will only share three pictures. One is Bailey opening a little purse with a puppy in it from Hayden. I love these sibling moments. The next is the wrapping to a present Claude gave me. The man is clever. The final is the Mickey Mouse ears the Marx family gave to Claude. While they were on their Disney cruise, Claude asked for Mickey Mouse ears.  Such a cute way to fulfill that request.
I love homemade things at Christmas. This year Bailey gave us a candy cane with her thumb prints all over it. She also gave Hayden an ornament she made.
Playing with gifts while Claude made a big breakfast was the order of the day. This was supposed to be waffles, bacon and eggs.  The bacon and eggs part went well.  We had not actually made waffles ourselves before.  Todd and Nissa made them for us at Thanksgiving and showed us the tips we needed to make them. How hard could it be? Right?  Well, they stuck to the waffle iron. Claude needed more waffle mix. I headed to the basement and retrieved another box. It turns out the expiration date on it was 2009. Not good.  I hurried back to the basement and got the blueberry pancake mix. It expired in 2011. Claude was a bit frustrated by now. He made french toast instead. Geez!! 
Bailey showed Papa how a DJ works with her head phones on.  The cute part was their was no music playing while she performed this pantomime. You would have thought she was listening to some great rock 'n roll music. However, there was no sound, just Bailey dancing and spinning imaginary platters.
We gave Bailey and Hayden gifts that we had as children.  I found two little submarines you put baking soda in and then put them under water in the tub. They shoot to the top. Claude had this toy as a little boy and we got them for Hayden.  Bailey got a loom that you make hot pads on.  I had one of those. Bailey made her first hot pad while in our home.
Harry George the Elf made it to Sadieville. Hayden and Bailey remembered he should be there and found him in the dining room sipping on real orange juice.
As the frenzy of Christmas morning slowed, Bailey set to arranging the Nativities in the house. This is another one of those tender moments for me. Love how she gently arranges them as she thinks they should be set up.
We played with finger paints, watched Despicable Me II, and lots of other fun things. Papa's back started to hurt so I piled him in my car and took him back to Georgetown.  When I returned Andie and Michael had made a good start on the Christmas puzzle. Andie left the puzzle and curled up to read the book she and Hayden are currently reading. Soon she was asleep.  It turns out she now had the bug. She would camp out in the basement the rest of Christmas Day and all day Thursday.  Michael had his cell phone at the ready. When Andie needed something she would send him a text and his phone would sound out with "Bazinga".  Michael would go running and try and help Andie get through the hurling and trying to find something to settle her tummy.
Through all of this Jake did his laundry Christmas evening and Thursday morning.  He would leave Thursday afternoon.
We never got the traditional Christmas picture with the family on the stairs.  The Marx family wanted a picture of them in front of the tree.  That didn't happen.
On top of all this the Marx family van had no heat.  Christmas day Michael went out to test it and found it definitely was not working. Thursday morning he called Frank Shoop in Georgetown where we have our cars serviced. They would work him in. He drove to Georgetown, they kept the van and actually drove Michael bacl to Sadieville. Claude drove Michael back in, in the afternoon to pick up the van which now had a new thermostat.  
This morning, Friday, the Marx family left. Andie had a hurl-free night but was still pretty rough looking when she left. Claude and I had agreed we would take it slower the rest of the day.  I started laundry and curled up with my next installment of "39 Clues" that Hayden is giving me to read.  I finished volume four this afternoon. Claude took down the lights in the back of our home and has curled up for the rest of the day to enjoy his Complete set of The West Wing which I gave him for his birthday in November. We have grazed on all that food purchased for Christmas and not finished.
We did finish the puzzle.  Andie, Michael, Jake and I all spent time trying to finish this puzzle.  Michael and I finished it Thursday night.  Well...we almost finished.  There is one piece missing.  Can you find the place for the missing piece?
This has been the Christmas full of adjustments as stated in an earlier post.  Through all the twists and turns, we still managed to have a good Christmas and enjoyed our family so very much.

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