Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Ice Man Cometh...

The weekend of Friday, December 6th through Sunday, December 8th can only be described as 'real wintery'. 

Friday morning we were privileged to receive rain in the morning into the afternoon.  We were fortunate it was only rain and we were able to get to Georgetown and be sure Papa had all the fresh groceries he needed, pick up our newly refurbished chair, have a nice lunch together, get some errands done for Claude and make it back home before any ice came down.  However, by 4:25pm on Friday, this is what the ice looked like on our deck.
Just a few miles down the road in Georgetown, Papa had no ice to speak of.  We were grateful all our ducks were in a row and we were ready in case we lost power.  We did not lose any power.

A friend, Lee Hansen, had passed away. His visitation was at the Church Friday evening.  We opted out because of the ice.

Saturday, December 7th, we awoke to a nice covering of ice all over the roads and trees and grass.  None was to come down during the day.  Trucks treated the roads and we were able to feel more comfortable about heading into Georgetown for Lee's funeral.  I was to play the organ and Claude was to lead the singing. We were also taking food to feed the family members after the funeral. We were grateful for the clearer roads. We just felt bad for Mindy because there were people who could not get out because of the ice.  A funeral is a hard thing at best and we truly felt for Mindy dealing with Lee's in such lousy weather. 

We also had the Saturday sessions of Stake Conference to attend in Lexington.  Claude had meetings beginning at 4:00pm.  We just went to the funeral in the Jeep and then on to Lexington.  I sat in the car and read until 5:15pm.  I was to play the organ for the 6pm session.  It got a little cold but I held up okay.  It was actually nice to have quiet time to read with no interruptions.  The announcement was made that the Sunday morning session, which usually begins at 10am, would begin at 1pm so road crews would have a chance to clear roads. However, we were advised to use our own judgement based on the conditions where we live.  The geographic area of our Stake is from Frankfort, Kentucky into Lexington, north past Sadieville by about 9 miles, and east toward West Virginia.  A lot of us are living in the mountains of eastern Kentucky and these were to get more ice and snow than around Lexington.  Claude and I made it home before the weather got bad again.

Sunday we enjoyed trying to sleep in a bit.  Then we watched weather trying to determine how bad the roads were between us and Lexington. Claude began getting texts from his friends who handle the roads in Georgetown and Scott County. Their texts were about cars sliding all over I-75 and the advice was not to get on the highway.  We opted to stay home.  I was not feeling really perky anyway so we settled in for the afternoon.

Sunday evening we had a Ward Christmas Gathering.  We were to be at the church by 6:30pm.  Everyone was bringing Christmas treats to share.  Claude and I were to furnish the punch.  I was to play the piano for the singing mixed in the little program that was performed.  At 8:00pm everyone was to go in the chapel to view the 1st Presidency Christmas Devotional together.  Claude and I covered the punch and refreshments and music.  Then we bundled up and came home to Sadieville to watch the broadcast on our television.

There has been talk this will be a very bad winter.  If this is the start before the actual date for winter to begin, the prognosticators just may be right!!

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