Friday, December 22, 2017

Incidental Things...

Now for a long Blog post about little moments in time since the beginning of October 2017

October 1, 2017 was General Conference broadcast from Salt Lake City. We watch this in our home on BYU-TV. Papa usually watched it in his home on his TV at 100 decibels. He does not have BYU-TV in the nursing home. So on Sunday I brought him to our home to watch the Sunday morning session on our television. That was the session he wanted to see most. We set him up in the living room with a root beer, comfy pillows and the footstool to stretch himself out. Turned the volume up so he could hear. Then we went downstairs and closed the door to the basement so we could watch it at a more reasonable volume level. We are watching the conference center in Salt Lake, the organ in playing prelude, they start the meeting and during the opening prayer it finally hits me that the sound from the living room was not matching what we were watching in the basement. Upstairs I go and, sure enough, Papa is on some shopping channel. How did that happen?  I will never know. I changed his channel and he enjoyed the session of conference.

Sunday, October 15th when visiting Papa, I found they set up his old phone in his room. Yea!! Now Junie and Katelyn can call him when they want. 

Tuesday, October 17th the lady came to clean Papa's apartment. I spent days and Claude helped some getting things out of Papa's apartment and given away or stored at my home. Text messages were sent to my sisters as I went through things asking if they wanted me to save any of these things for them. Facebook postings were done with the wards Facebook pages to get rid of furniture and appliances with a little life left in them. I smashed every finger on my right hand. Caught three of them closing Papa's garage door. I just sat in my car and cried. Felt good to cry for a bit. Then I went on to teach Institute. But I had everything out and ready for cleaning ladies. One lady was there all day. Junie graciously agreed to pay for that and the carpet cleaning so I didn't have to do that part of all this move. Thank her from the bottom of my heart. 

Thursday, October 19th the carpet cleaning people came and did their good work and a little damage to make things interesting. It seems when he was doing something he needed water from outside. When he turned on the faucet outside it broke off. He had to go to the street to turn off the water to the apartment to stop the flooding. I called Ball Realty and they came to check it. It seems it was just old pipe and it broke. They repaired it and patched the wall with no complaint. Hmmm....  

Wednesday, October 25 I was at Community Based Services to apply for Papa to have Medicaid cover his nursing home costs at 8am.  

That evening the Mia Maids (young girls 14 & 15 years old) went to the nursing home to visit Papa. They took him a root beer and he loved having them there. Luella Alcorn sent me this picture. I couldn't be there because I teach Institute during that time frame. 
Also this Wednesday I received a cute picture of the Mini's from Andie. We gave her some of the storage shelving that Papa had for her basement. The Mini's were on their fall break and she tasked them with figuring out how to put it back together. They were actually working together cheerfully to get this done. Who knew!!
I have left my old Kindle with three games that I am trying to help Papa learn to play. Each helps in use his brain for strategy. My hope is it will keep in thinking a little longer. They are Solitaire (which is his favorite and he used to play on his old computer in his apartment), Free Flow which connects dots with a line that can't cross other lines, and a match three game named Ultimate Jewel. He enjoys them and they give him a change of pace in his day. 
Tuesday, October 31st I went to see a new dentist, Dr. Hollen. She is very nice and I really like her office staff. Our old dentist wouldn't accept our insurance anymore. While it was not great it did cover two cleanings a year and an annual set of X-rays. So we found another dentist and are trying her out. 

I also took Papa to see Dr. Thomas. This is his cardiologist. He would come to see him the Friday (December 8th) when Papa was in the Georgetown ER. But this was Papa's six month check-up. Papa had a heart attack in 2015 and was on a six month regular visit.

When I went to my sewing room on this day, I found Wah-Wah sitting on my cutting table. Bailey brought him for their visit over Fall Break and forgot to take him home. I took this picture and sent it to Bailey to tell her I found Wah-Wah and he was okay. I got this amazing eMail back from her saying, "Please take care of him. He must be missing me. Please bring him back to me." She does love this stuffed animal from her baby years.
This Tuesday was trick-or-treat so I donned my Halloween sweater and answered the door to give candy to the few trick-or-treaters we get in Sadieville. 

Friday morning, November 3rd I was off to be at Community Based Services to turn in a few more items they determined they needed. As I left Eagle Bend where we live, there was the most beautiful fog over the creek and the land. I stopped to take a few pictures.
Saturday, November 4th Claude and I hurried to the Stake Center in Lexington to set up for the Stake Preparedness Fair. Our booth was the Stake Self-Reliance Booth. I would man that booth with the help of Kathy Hymas. Claude would run back to Lexington to say the Pledge of Allegiance at the Quilts of Valor program. This is done by the Quilting Club through our County Extension office. Handmade quilts are given to veterans in our area. Claude was pleased to report that no one 'took a knee' when he said the Pledge of Allegiance. Here are pictures of our booth at the Preparedness Fair and the Quilts of Valor event.
I should explain about the 'take a knee' remark above. As years pass and should someone choose to read this, the phrase might not make sense. It started with a football player who decided to not stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Instead he would kneel on one knee and not put his hand over his heart for the National Anthem at the beginning of the game. This has now spread to all or most of some NFL teams refusing the stand and 'taking a knee' as a protest. One team didn't even come to the field until after the National Anthem. Now, Claude and I do not dispute the right to protest when you have something you disagree with. That is a right. But we both feel strongly that just because one can do something does not mean they should so something. And, the protest should fit what you are protesting about. We also feel that the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem are sacred ground. Men have fought and died for these freedoms and the Pledge and National Anthem are symbols of that fight and commitment to our country and the people who are citizen's thereof. Claude immediately became very irritated with this form of protest. He knew it cut him deeply but he truly understood why when he awoke in the middle of the night after this all started. He woke up and had a memory of his days in the Air Force. Claude was in the Air Force during Vietnam. Claude was asked to lead the group of Airmen that did the flag ceremony for a fellow Airman who died during Vietnam war. At the end of the ceremony that American flag, which has covered the casket during the funeral service, is carefully folded. The leader of the Airmen who perform the ceremony kneels before the widow and presents the flag to her. He tells her that the American flag is given to her in thanks for the ultimate sacrifice offered by her husband and is from a grateful country. This memory solidified for Claude why his frustration was so deep as these well paid athletes were 'taking a knee' in protest. Claude had already boycotted NFL games in our home and now that would stand firm for him. I whole-heartedly agree with my hubby on this one. I truly wish these NFL players would find another format for their protest. 

On Wednesday, November the 8th, I sent Katelyn a picture of a doll house that had been Bailey's. She no longer used it and wanted it to go to Raelyn. Katelyn was very happy to get this and Claude would take it to her when he did his trip to Michigan to help Nissa and Todd move. The cute thing about all this is the Mini's have decided that, as they grow out of toys, Bailey will give the girl things to Raelyn and Hayden will give the boy things to Nelson. Love that these little cousins are miles apart in distance and years apart in age but feel that close to each other.

Sunday, November 12th, we received this interesting picture from Andie. I seems Hayden was in the basement which he affectionately calls his Man Cave. Requests had been made for his presence upstairs. He had not responded. So his dad called him and did face time with him from their kitchen to their basement to encourage him to leave the Man Cave and make his presence known in the main part of the house with the rest of the family. Such is parenting in 2017.
Monday, November 13th, Oldham County Middle School recognized and celebrated Veteran's Day. Claude went to Hayden's school for that day. They have a program and serve the Veteran's lunch and end the day with a parade from the Middle School past the Elementary School and around by the High School.
Friday November the 17th I received a call from Community Based Services again. They needed something more to approve the Medicaid for Papa. Very frustrating. This would require a trip to the bank to get copies of checks from many years ago that I no longer have and another trip to the funeral home. Papa's funeral was paid for when we paid for my mother's. Why they are questioning this when they approved all that was done with my mother is beyond me. But I did all those things before I headed to visited Papa and then headed to LaGrange to have time with the Mini's. 

Sunday, November 26th, Claude and I attended tithing settlement. This is an annual visit with our Bishop each year at the end of the year to declare we are full tithe payers. You have a nice little chat and the Bishop catches up with us. He particularly asked if I need anything as I care for Papa. This was very nice. Most people ask about Papa and his needs, which is right and good. It was nice to be asked about my needs. I declined any help but was very grateful for a Bishop who is aware and truly cares.

Tuesday, November 28th was a particularly beautiful day in Sadieville. The weather was mild, the sky was clear, and, miracle of miracles, Claude and I were both home. I didn't even go see Papa that day. We just started in on our Christmas decorations and managed to get most of it done. Had a little trouble with the tree. The outside of the house is Claude's to set up. The inside of the house is mine to set up. Everything went well with the inside and, after getting everything else in place, I started to work on our tree. I got it upstairs and put together. Next come the lights. Can you see my problem?
Yep, last year after Christmas I purchased three additional boxes of lights as mine are just getting old and wearing out. I got this far with the lights and really wasn't worried because of those three new boxes. Then I went to open them and found they were white but they twinkled. I don't do twinkling light on my tree. Claude had three extra boxes but they were all multi-colored lights and that just would not work. Soooooooo, Claude and I got to a stopping point, loaded our tired old bodies in the Jeep and headed to Georgetown. He needed something to finish the outside too. So we got ourselves a hamburger and hit Lowe's to finish purchasing the things we needed to finish our decorating. I would complete mine that night. Claude would complete his the next morning before the rain came. Yea us!! We may be old but we are tenacious.  
I tried something different with my gum drop tree. History here. My Gramma Fisch had a little plastic gum drop tree that I loved as a child. My mother gave it to me and I used it for many years. It finally broke being old plastic. I found this nice metal one to replace it. I bought one for each of my kids as well. Each year I filled it with gum drops and I was the person who at most of the gum drops. So this year I have tied hard candies and Life Saver candies with red and green yarn to my tree. Let's see how that works. If it doesn't, I can still save these candies and use them over the year. 
Each year Claude has a Christmas tradition with the male head of households in our family. He orders them each a box of Omaha steaks. Andie and Michael sent us this picture when they received their box of Omaha steaks in the mail to say thank you. I really think they should cook it first but that's just me.
About that time Claude posted this on Facebook and I still laugh when I see it. Just needed to share with those who take the time to read this far.
Thursday, November 30th Claude and I dined at Cattleman's Roadhouse before going to see Tran-Siberian Orchestra. I looked on the wall and saw this steer with a Santa hat on his head in the restaurant. I walked over and took a picture and sent it to Nissa and Todd. They have deer heads on their living room wall of deer that Todd shot. I thought this might be a nice new way to decorate them in their new home for Christmas. They got a chuckle when they received the text with this picture.
It should be noted that Claude picked me up at the nursing home and we left my car in the nursing home parking lot when we left for this date. The plan was to stop and get my car and drive it home after watching TSO. That was the plan. The reality was we pulled into the driveway of our home and opened the garage door. Claude paused and said, "Do you see something wrong with this picture?" Hmmm...yes. My car is still at the nursing home in Georgetown and we are now in Sadieville. We left it till the next day and Claude dropped me off as he went to his meetings in Lexington for Stake Conference. Goodness. 

December the 4th Claude came back to Sadieville to attend the ribbon cutting on the addition to the cell tower by AT&T of some higher speed Internet service. 
December 5th the Scott County Chamber of Commerce presented a grant to the Scott County Education and Community Foundation. Claude was there. Can you find him?
Wednesday, December 6th, one of the young men I teach in Institute brought me candy from Argentina. He just returned from serving a two year mission to Argentina. I taught him before he left for his mission. This candy is made from milk that is cooked for a very long time slowly over heat until the milk basically turns to a caramel consistency. That is where the phrase dulce de leche comes from under the name of the candy Guaymallen. Dulce means sweet which is what the milk or leche becomes when it turns to caramel after cooking. Breck gave me two of these so that Claude and I could each have one when he came home. They were very delicious. 
December 9th we got our first snow for this winter. Not a lot but enough. This little bit of snow turned our highways to sheets of ice and caused I-75 to be shut both ways between Sadieville and Georgetown. It would have been better to have been many inches of snow instead of this little bit. 
December 10th Papa received a Christmas card and letter from Mike and Ashlyn Hurst. This is Papa's grandson from Neffie, my sister. He so enjoyed receiving this letter and picture. I have them taped to his wall in the nursing home.
December 16th while driving home from Gatlinburg we drove through Egypt, Kentucky. I turned to Claude and said, "Why do you think they named it Egypt?" Claude stated without missing a beat, "Because they are in de-Nile!" Bwha-ha-ha!!

Whew, that was a lot to catch up with. Sometimes I think my life is a little boring but putting all this down makes me feel like more happens than I realize. More to come but that does it for this Blog post.

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