Thursday, December 14, 2017

YSA Conference...

The Lexington North Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hosted this year's Young Single Adult Conference. This is the 18 to 30 year old singles in the Church. They came from as far away as St. Louis. The Young Adults do the planning and carrying out with minimal older adult supervision. Our Georgetown Institute class was asked to provide decorations for the pavilion at the Stake Center where a lot of the activity would be held.  So, Wednesday evening, October 18th, our class did the first step which was making three posted with a letter Y, S, or A of each poster. It was great fun and the Young Adults did an excellent job. Here they are at work on the posters.
The YSA Conference started Friday evening with dinner at the Pavilion. Our Institute class arrived early and put up decorations with an island theme. Kept it easy for them. We put up cut outs of island things on all the posts supporting the pavilion, we blew up little beach balls for each of the tables and we put out cutouts on the tables with island print plastic table cloths. Our Y, S, A posters were taped to the table where the Young Adults would enter the pavilion area and get their instructions for the weekend.
One of the Young Adults gave the devotional, dinner was served, a bon fire with smores was dessert, games were on each table for them to play. It was a nice Friday evening and the weather was great. 

Members in the area provided sleeping space in their homes for those traveling a distance to the conference. 

Saturday breakfast was in the gym of the Stake Center and was Spaulding donuts. These are a particularly good donut and a Lexington favorite. Then Pres. Cotton of the Louisville Kentucky Temple spoke to the Young Adults in the chapel of the Stake Center. After his address, it was time for an outing and lunch. The Young Adults would carpool to Keeneland and tail gate for the next few hours. Those who were so inclined could hike to the track and for $5.00 watch the horse races. The tail gating was chicken salad that everyone raved about. I did not do the Keeneland outing. I used this time to go back to Georgetown and take Papa for a very brief ride through the country on a very pretty day. The late afternoon was a service project where quilts were made and indexing was done for Family History. A brief break followed so everyone could get into costume for the evening dinner, dance and costume party. This was very fun for everyone. Dinner was catered by Athenian grill, amazing costumes were worn by many. My personal favorite was the couple that came as identity theft. They were great. I enjoyed lots of it but also got to spend some time in the foyer working on my cross stitch project I was trying to finish before Christmas. 
Sunday breakfast was provided in the pavilion. Then we cleaned up the pavilion and went to the Chapel in the Stake Center for a testimony meeting. 

This was a really good conference. New friends were made. Old friendships were renewed. Testimonies were strengthened. And fun was had by all. Very successful event. 

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